Ralph Maier
B.Mus., M.Mus., PhD
Strings Instructor: Guitar
Ralph Maier has been engaging audiences in Canada and abroad for over 30 years with his sensitive interpretations and natural technical facility. His concert programs cover a broad range of periods from Renaissance to Contemporary, and he is active as a soloist, chamber musician, and member of the Oberlin Guitar Trio. He is currently on faculty at the Mount Royal University Conservatory of Music where he conducts private lessons and ensemble classes, and at the University of Calgary where he heads the classical guitar studio and teaches classes in music history and popular music studies.
Ralph Maier concertizes frequently and is in demand as a soloist, accompanist, and chamber musician on classical guitar and period instruments. He has appeared in Canada and abroad, and his performances have been broadcast on television and radio. Ralph completed his Ph.D. at the University of Calgary, specializing in sixteenth-century Spanish music for vihuela. His first solo CD, The Art of Vihuela, was released winter of 2008. Since then, Ralph has engineered, mixed, and mastered a wide range of recording projects for many local artists and ensembles. Recent projects include the recording, engineering, and production of his most recent CD Variations, with performances on vihuela, baroque guitar, romantic guitar, classical guitar, and electric guitars. In addition to performing and recording, Ralph is a contributing author to The Cambridge Companion to the Rolling Stones (2019).
Student Rate: $79.00 per hour.