Upgrading Student Tuition Fee Schedule

2024-25 Upgrading Student Tuition Fee Schedule

Course Name / NumberDomestic Student FeeInternational Student Fee
English 0115$549.02$1,910.86
English 0130$549.02$1,910.86
Social Science 0130$549.02$1,910.86
Native Studies 0130$549.02$1,910.86
Biology 0115$605.16$2,106.25
Biology 0130$605.16$2,106.25
Chemistry 0115$605.16$2,106.25
Chemistry 0130$605.16$2,106.25
Math 0115$605.16$2,106.25
Math 0130$605.16$2,106.25
Math 0132$605.16$2,106.25
Math 0131$605.16$2,106.25
Physics 0130$605.16$2,106.25
Science 0130$605.16$2,106.25

Additional Mandatory Fees - per semester

Universal Bus Pass (UPass): $165 for Fall 2024/$170 for Winter 2025 (students must be enrolled in 3 courses to qualify)

Last updated: 2024-Dec-30