
Search Results:

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Name / Position Department Sub-Department Phone / Email
Kim Taylor
Administrative Assistant
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-288-9551
Nicholas van Aalst
Contract Faculty
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation na
Keagan Vaz
Sim Instructor, Aviation
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-440-5537
Joshua von Scheel
Flight Instructor
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-288-9551
Ian Wallace
Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-288-9551
Deanna Wiebe
Academic Director, Aviation
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-440-6159
Sujeewa Wimalasena
Contract Faculty
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation na
Ross Wonnick
Instructor (Contract)
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-440-5089
Baset T. Zarrug
Contract Faculty
Bissett School of Business International Business, Supply Chain Management, and Aviation 403-440-6295

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