• Access Scan Image

Drawing on the best research, the lived experience of persons living with disability, and mobilizing our collective imaginations, we are thrilled to launch our systems snapshot of accessibility - “Accessing Canada: A Scan of Issues, Trends, System Dynamics and Innovations in Accessibility.”

Accessing Canada is the latest in our work in field-scanning and trend-scanning, and seeks to mobilize knowledge from those working to enhance accessibility in many realms to inform a broad general audience. 

This scan, created in partnership with ATCO, was also an opportunity to reflect on our own practices - from hiring and inclusion in the workplace to the way we create and distribute research. These learnings are represented in our efforts to ensure the scan itself was accessible. 


Accessing Canada is available in four versions:


Publishing both our designed version and additional accessible formats gave us the opportunity to reasses our usual approach to written research and challenge the barriers we inherently create in our materials. We look forward to continuing to improve our processes and welcome feedback on the usability of the Scan.

Stay tuned to our upcoming blog posts, which will be linked on this page, for further insights into the scan and writing process.





Accessing Canada is Featured in the Following Blog Posts:

