2023 Catamount Fellowship for Emerging Changemakers Cohort Deliverables



Catamount Fellows research a complex, systemic issue affecting the community in collaboration with a community partner and faculty mentor. Over the 2023-2024 academic year, each Catamount Fellow engaged in deep learning with community, hosted a community conversation, and created a set of scholarly and creative works. 


Check out the profiles below to access their scholarly reports and to explore their creative works!


How might we leverage the role of government to ensure wrap around supports and programs are available to children (5 - 12 years of age) and families facing adversities?


Catamount Fellow: Aira Siodina, Psychology

Community Partner: Kathy Anderson, Trellis

Faculty Mentor: Dan Devoe, Psychology


Scholarly Report: 

Navigating Adverse Challenges: The Childhood Experience Understanding the Unseen Struggles and Unheard Traumas of Children and Families Facing Adversities [pdf]


Creative Work:

Sculpture - The Transformation of a Vase from a Pound of Clay [pdf]


How might we dismantle racial and socioeconomic obstacles to promote the social inclusion and participation of Black and racialized youth in higher education?


Catamount Fellow: Ayan Ahmed-Aden, Anthropolgy

Community Partner: Megan Kimler, Umoja Community Mosaic

Faculty Mentor: Ranjan Datta, Humanities


Scholarly Report: 

Social Inclusion and Participation of Black and Racialized Youth in Higher Education [pdf]


Creative Work:

Painting - The Persistence to Persevere [pdf]


How might we enhance housing in Alberta to foster a more inclusive and sustainable living environment for Albertans requiring housing accommodations?


Catamount Fellow: Chelsea Sawyer, Sociology

Community Partner: Barbara Hagen, Accessible Housing

Faculty Mentor: Stasha Huntingford, Social Work


Creative Work:

Comic Book - Why Should We Care About Accessible Housing [pdf]

Artistic Statement Supplement [pdf]


How might we turn online engagement into applied environmental action?


Catamount Fellow: Chris Shaw, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Community Partner: Vanessa Bilan, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

Faculty Mentor: Brian Nichols, Humanities


Scholarly Report: 

Of Apis and Access: How Might We Look Inward to Mobilize Online Efforts of Eco-action? [pdf]


Creative Work:

Bee Houses - A Scream Buzzing Through Nature [pdf]


How can systemic barriers to equitable access and participation in youth sports be addressed to foster an inclusive environment that encourages experimentation, failure, and holistic development?


Catamount Fellow: David Sinclair, General Management

Community Partner: Shannon Lanigan, All in for Sport 

Faculty Mentor: Marty Clark, Health and Physical Education


Scholarly Report: 

How Might Technology Be Leveraged to Empower Indigenous Youth in Sports?: The Study, the Story, and the Solutions [pdf]


Creative Work:

Mixed Media - connect with grassroots sports [pdf]


How might we foster a sense of belonging for newcomers (Skilled Workers, Refugees & International Students) and facilitate their integration as young professionals in Calgary?


Catamount Fellow: Luis Rios, Biology

Community Partner: Raj Dhaliwal, Youthful Cities

Faculty Mentor: Cherie Woolmer, Mokakiiks Centre for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Scholarly Report: 

New Beginnings: Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Integrating Newcomers as Young Professionals in Calgary [pdf]


Creative Work:

Collage - Journey North: A mosaic of newcomer experiences of belonging and Integration [pdf]

Artistic Statement Supplement [pdf]


How might we leverage technology to catalyze cross-sectoral collaboration to streamline service provision for families experiencing domestic violence?


Catamount Fellow: Reese Tofts, Psychology

Community Partner: Kate Bowers, YW Calgary

Faculty Mentor: Holly Johnson, Nursing


Scholarly Report: 

Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges: Leveraging Technology for Domestic Violence Support in Calgary [pdf]


Creative Work:

Board Game - Shelterquest [pdf]


How might we reduce the Insurance Protection Gap to improve the economic resilience of low-income households and communities to disasters?


Catamount Fellow: Sama Ab, English Honours

Community Partner: Derek Cook, Canadian Poverty Institute 

Faculty Mentor: Tashi Tsering, General Education


Creative Work:

Poem - A Broken System [pdf]


How might we identify and address the systemic barriers, drivers, and enablers to increase the adaptive capacity of communities in the face of climate change?


Catamount Fellow: Shealyn Fong, General Science

Community Partner: Jennifer Makar, City of Calgary

Faculty Mentor: Mauricio Latapi, General Management


Scholarly Report: 

Unlocking Community Adaptive Capacity: Navigating Systemic Barriers, Drivers and Enablers in Climate Adaptation [pdf]


Creative Work:

Poem - Sunflower [pdf]


Questions about the Catamount Program?

Visit our Catamount Home Page or contact program lead Barb Rallison at bdavies@mtroyal.ca


Curious to Learn More about the 2023-2024 Catamount Journey? 

Check out our featured blog posts below for monthly highlights from the fellowship. 


Capturing Complexity in Systems: Catamount April Reflections

Community Showcase and Creative Work Launch: Catamount March Reflections

 Bringing Systemic Issues to Life: Catamount January and February Reflections

Engaging with Systems and Communities: Catamount November and December Reflections

 Leaning into Systems Thinking: Catamount October Reflections

Kicking Off Our 2023-2024 Catamount Fellowship Journey!
