Google Meet
Google Meet is MRU's tool for synchronous remote delivery. A Google Meet's features include:
- host up to 250 people
- grid view to see up to 49 people at once
- breakout rooms
- polls with live results
- integrated Jamboard
- record sessions
Take note
In order for students to enter a Google Meet session, they must be logged into their MRU Google account. If they are logged into a different Google account, the instructor must grant them permission to enter the session.
Fall 2023 New Google Meet Features
This video highlights the newest features in Google Meet for Fall 2023.
Make Google Meet course link
Instead of creating a new Google Meet link for each day your class meets, you can create a permanent link that can be reused for the entirety of the semester.
In this video you will learn to:
- create a calendar invite with a Google Meet link
- add the link to your course
Join Google Meet from a Calendar invite
In this video, you will learn to join a Google Meet session using a link from a Google Calendar invite.
Running a class with Google Meet
In this video you will learn:
- to set your microphone and video settings
- what controls you have as meeting host
- what features are available
- best practices for presenting or screen sharing
Google Meet Grid View
In this video, you will learn how to adjust Meet's grid view settings.
How to use breakout rooms in Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how to use Meet's breakout room features.
Use a whiteboard (Jamboard) during Google Meet session
In this video, you will learn how to use Meet's built-in Jamboard feature.
Use poll feature in Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how to use Meet's built-in poll feature.
Use Q&A feature in Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how to use Meet's Q&A features.
Attendance record from Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how you will receive and attendance record from Google Meet.
Grant host controls to another user
In this video you will learn to grant host controls to another person in a Google Meet.
Present PowerPoint in Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how best to present a PowerPoint to your class in Google Meet.
Present PowerPoint in Google Meet using a shared window
In this video, you will learn to present a specific window in Google Meet without sharing the whole screen.
Share video in Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how to share a video in Google Meet so it plays audio correctly.
Convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides in order to present an embedded video
In this video, you will learn how to:
- convert a PowerPoint to a Google Slide
- present a video in Google Slides in Google Meet
Record and post Google Meet session
In this video you will learn to:
- record a Meet session
- get the shareable link in Google Drive and set permissions
- post the video in D2L
Share Google Form survey results in Google Meet
In this video, you will learn how to:
- share a Google Form with your students
- present the survey results on Google Meet
Record Google Meet with captions
In this video, you will learn how to leverage PowerPoint to record a Google Meet session that includes captions.
Change ownership of Google Meet link
In this video you will learn to change the owner of a Google Meet through Google Calendar.
Fix needing to ask permission to join Google Meet problem
In this video, you will learn how to prevent the issue where students need to ask for permission to join a Google Meet session.
Re-allow someone in Google Meet that was removed
In this video, you will learn how to allow someone back in a Google Meet session who was removed manually.
Fix students needing to ask permission to enter group breakout sessions
In this video, you will learn how to fix the issue where students had to ask permission to join their group breakout sessions in Google Meet.
Navigate between different Google Meet sessions
In this video, you will learn how to easily move between multiple Google Meet sessions (e.g. move from main class session to group break out sessions).
Interview individual students in a breakout room
In this video, you will learn how to:
- create breakout rooms
- join a breakout room
- edit which students are in the breakout room
Trim a Google Meet recording on Windows
In this video, you will learn how to use Windows' photo app to cut or trim unwanted sections from a Google Meet recording.
Trim a Google Meet recording on a Mac
In this video, you will learn how to use QuickTime Player on a Mac to cut or trim unwanted sections from a Google Meet recording.
For your students
Below are a set of videos you can share with your students showing how to do specific things in Google Meet.
Show and record group notes in a breakout room then present in main class session
In this video, you will learn how to:
- present a shared Google Doc
- record your Google Meet session
- navigate back to main class session
Record Google Meet presentation and post it on a discussion board
In this video, you will learn how to:
- record a presentation on Google Meet
- find the recording on Google Drive
- change sharing permissions for the video
- post a link to the video on a discussion board
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