Anecdotal Notes
The following tutorials aim to help you set up and organize anecdotal notes and other communication with clinical nursing students. using either D2L or Google Classroom.
Take note
The actual anecdotal notes template may change, so we have not posted one here. Instead see your course coordinator for the latest version.
Anecdotal Notes in D2L
Using D2L allows a familiar application to students, but requires downloading, editing, saving and uploading Word documents. The group tool is used, where each student is the sole member of a group, but the instructor also has access, so it becomes a private space where the instructor can interact online with individual students. D2L groups can have a group discussion board with a built-in discussion forum. Posts can be made in the forum containing attached Word documents that house the anecdotal notes or another document.
Take note
You and your students will need to pay attention to where documents are downloaded from D2L so you can access them to edit, save and upload them to D2L.
Anecdotal Notes in D2L
In this video, you will learn how to use groups and discussions boards in D2L to create a space for anecdotal notes.
Set Up Evaluation Topic for Anecdotal Notes
In this video, you will learn how to set up evaluation topics using D2L's Discussions tool.
Anecdotal Notes in Google Classroom
You and your students will need to pay attention to where documents are downloaded from Blackboard so you can access them to edit, save and upload them to Blackboard.
Take note
You must use Google docs (if you accidentally use MS Word, you will need to delete the assignment and recreate it properly with Google docs).
Also, individual students need to initiate the process, so you cannot prepare the individual content for each student until the have submitted the blank assignment back to you. After you re-assign it individually to each student, they can actually fill in the assignment and hand it in.
Google Classroom set up Anecdotal notes
In this video, you will learn to:
- create a new class in Google Classroom
- create an assignment with an anecdotal notes template
- view student submissions
What to copy then edit into an email or D2L announcement
- Login to your MRU Gmail account
- Go to
- Click that you are a student
- Click the white plus (+) in the upper right
- Joinn a class
- Type in this class code: XXXXXX
- Join
- For Anecdotal Notes week 1 Click the Open button
- Open the Google Doc
- Type in your name
- Click the Turn In button in the upper right
- Click TURN IN on the pop-up
- Click the white back arrow (upper left)
- Repeat steps 8-13 for all the other weeks
Set up anecdotal notes (students)
In this video, students will learn how to:
- register for Google Classroom
- view and submit anecdotal note assignment
Convert Word anecdotal notes to Google Doc
In this video, you will learn to upload a Word template to Google Drive and convert it to a Google Doc.
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