
Think Bigger.

Whatever you're thinking… think bigger.

Over lunch at the Local 002 patio in July, I challenged my small team consisting of an Entrepreneurship student and a recent Entrepreneurship alumni to come up with a simple answer to a complex question. Why do almost 1000 students a year from faculties across campus take Entrepreneurship courses? What is the common thread that motivates an Arts student, a Business student and a Science student to sign up for one of our ENTR courses?

After clarifying who was paying the lunch bill, our Student Entrepreneur in Residence, Dustin Paisley, offered the answer: Whatever they are thinking of doing, we help them think bigger.

I like that. A lot.

Entrepreneurship is not about churning out a cohort of identical graduates who all know the same stuff. It's about infusing unique skills, passions, and attitudes into what you personally have to offer to the world. It's about helping you supersize what you're already doing and achieving. Entrepreneurship is the bacon of MRU. That's right - bacon. Whether your passion is salads, steaks, or scallops, adding bacon makes everything better!

So, if you're thinking that you want to land a well paying job, start thinking about landing a dream job.

If your goal is to be good enough not to worry about getting fired, start thinking about being so good that companies are clamouring to keep you happy.

If your goal is to follow your passion, start thinking about how you could get paid to do what you love.

If you think you'd like to be your own boss, start thinking about how your business could grow to offer great opportunities to dozens or hundreds of passionate employees.

If you think you want to change the world, start thinking that you actually can.

Ok, I may be over-selling Innovation & Entrepreneurship a wee bit. But consider that all change that has ever happened is because of an entrepreneurial person; the wheel, the internet, democracy, smartphones, the printing press, insulin, pencils, erasers, erasers on the ends of pencils… All of these individuals were simply thinking bigger than their peers.

Welcome to Innovation & Entrepreneurship at MRU and have fun thinking bigger.

- Ray DePaul