
The Bissett School of Business is home to the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Institute for Community Prosperity.

The Institutes allow for the facilitation and collaboration of research and other scholarly, artistic and academic activities not normally undertaken within the Bissett School of Business. The Institutes facilitate collaborative, multi-disciplinary research and provide services to the community - both in and out of Mount Royal University.

Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Our mission is to support the development of the high-impact talent that is essential to the continued economic prosperity of Alberta. This is accomplished by delivering transformative community-engaged learning experiences.

High-impact talent is not defined by a simple check-list of skills. Rather, high-impact talent is driven by the unique labor market dynamics of a region, sector or organization, and is anchored in an individual's capacity to effectively adapt and thrive in perpetually turbulent market conditions. These dynamic capabilities enable high-impact talent to identify emerging opportunities and reconfigure or acquire new skills to thrive. People with dynamic capabilities are future-ready. They lead trends, they don't follow. While the entire education system must ensure that we are developing future-ready students, universities have a unique role in supporting a graduate's professional transition.

The Institute believes that work integrated-learning (WIL) is a critical pathway to developing dynamic capabilities of high-impact talent. Impactful WIL, blends program learning with applied community-engaged learning experiences. Examples of WIL initiatives include co-operative education, work-terms, community-engaged scholarship, entrepreneurship, live-client case studies, community service learning and field schools.

The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship takes an innovative approach, delivering a number of transformational opportunities that will ensure career and personal success. These transformational learning experiences are interwoven into every one of the Institute's programs. We are proud to support our innovative faculty embed impactful transformational experiences both in and outside of the classroom.

Students can get involved with the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship through many unique work-integrated learning experiences including the JMH LaunchPad Program, Growth Compass, DesigningYOU and more. You might have an innovative idea, want an innovative job, want to change the world or simply want to learn to think bigger with an entrepreneurial mindset. No matter where you fit, connecting with the Institute's on-campus mentors can launch your innovation and entrepreneurship journey.

Contact an on-campus innovation and entrepreneurship mentor:
Drop-in: Slate Innovation Lab, EB3121, Office A and B
Call: 403.440.5591






Institute for Community Prosperity

Over 2 million Canadians work in the nonprofit sector, arguably the most dynamic, challenging and rewarding facet of our nation's economy-and one that is growing at an exceptional rate.

Recognizing the increasingly important role that the nonprofit sector plays in Canada's economy and social structure, Mount Royal University launched Canada's first Institute for Nonprofit Studies. The Institute, launched in 2000, combines education and research tailored to meet the rapidly changing needs of the nonprofit sector.

An initial donation of $1 million from an anonymous donor provided start-up funding for the Institute and helped set its Canada-wide agenda. Immediately following the launch of the Institute, a new, four-year Bachelor of Applied Nonprofit Studies degree - also a national first - was created. The first class of students graduated in the spring of 2005. Starting in September 2009, A nonprofit specialization will be available within the Bachelor of Applied Business studies.

In January, 2009, the Charter for the Institute for Community Prosperity was officially approved for a five year term.

The Institute for Community Prosperity works in close collaboration with the nonprofit community, business and other post-secondary institutions to ensure that what is undertaken is focused on the needs of the value-driven enterprise sector. To achieve this, an advisory committee composed of members of the nonprofit community, businesses, foundations, post-secondary institutions, and Mount Royal faculty was created to help guide the Institute and its initiatives.