


Students interested in participating in the SIF need to be enrolled in the FNCE 4501 (Fall) - Investment Fund Management I and FNCE (Winter) 4502 - Investment Fund Mangement II. Entry to the SIF is based solely on academic performance. Current pre-requisite grades include a grade of B- or higher in FNCE 4409 Securities Analysis and Valuation and of B- or higher in FNCE 4407 - Investments and Portfolio Management. 

The SIF program (4501 and 4502) is a one-year program that will be customarily take in a student's fourth year (or earlier if they have completed the pre-requisities). Students in the course are the managers of the Investmment fund which is worth approximately ~$450,000 and focuses exclusively on TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) stocks. All investments are owned by Mount Royal University and consist of part of MRU's endowment. 

Classes are held in the later afternoon, once weekly ~3hr, in the Fall and Winter Semester. Students are required to attend all classes. Students will work in a team specializing in mult-sector analysis befofe analyzing and then recommending individual stocks for addition or removal in the fund. All SIF students must pitch stock recommendations each semester. Students are invovled in all aspects of managing the SIF exprience. The investment style of the SIF is conservative and long term as our client, Mount Royal University has a long-term investment horizon.  

The SIF is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion. We encourage applications from students in populations traditionally underrepresented in the banking and finance industries: women, Indigenous and Métis students, LGBTQ* students, mature students, students with learning or physical challenges, students of colour, students with children, and New Canadians.


For questions, contact the current SIF Faculty Advisor, Dr. Elias Foscolos : efoscolos@mtroyal.ca