

Pay your deposits

First-year students
You must pay your non-refundable Tuition Deposit as outlined in your offer letter before you can register. You do not pay a Registration Deposit ($125) for the Fall or Winter semester of your first year.

Continuing students
You must pay a $125 non-refundable Registration Deposit per semester before you can register for your courses. To register for both the Fall and the Winter semesters, you will need to pay a total of $250. The deposit will be credited toward your tuition; however, Mount Royal will retain the deposit if you choose to drop all courses for the semester. Please note: there is no Registration Deposit for the Spring or Summer semesters.

If you are a current student who has applied and been accepted to a new program, you are required to pay the non-refundable Tuition Deposit outlined in your offer letter. The deposit will be credited toward your tuition; however, Mount Royal will retain the deposit if you choose to drop all courses for the semester.

How to pay deposits

Credit card payments are strongly recommended for every type of deposit as they are processed and appear on your account immediately.

To pay by Visa or MasterCard, visit MyMRU > Register & Pay > Pay Deposits and select the deposit you wish to pay. You will be prompted to enter your credit card information. Please ensure the cardholder’s current mailing address is entered exactly as it shows on credit card statements.

Paying your deposit through online banking will result in a delay in your registration due to manual processing. If you pay through online banking, you must complete this form to notify that a deposit has been paid through online banking. 

To pay by debit, cash, money order or credit card, visit the Office of the Registrar (A101). 


When can I register?

Your registration access date is the first day you can register for classes for a specific semester. Starting the first Monday in March, find your potential registration access date by visiting MyMRU > Register & Pay > Registration Access Date.

Once you've paid your deposit, view your registration access date by visiting MyMRU > Register & Pay > Registration Landing Page > Check your Registration Status.

Note: Select the CREDIT term if you are registering for undergraduate or academic upgrading courses.

First-year students
You can register for your courses once you have received a (Conditional) Offer of Admission and paid the non-refundable Tuition Deposit outlined in your offer letter. Registration begins in April for Fall and Winter semesters and March for the Spring semester.

Current students
Continuing students are assigned a Registration Access Date based on the percentage they have completed towards their credentialed program (including transfer credits). The more credits that you accumulate, the earlier you will be able to register. Registration for all semesters begins in March.

You can register immediately if you pay your Registration Deposit on or after your Registration Access Date. If your payment is made before your Registration Access Date, you must wait until it is your day to register.

Students enroled in non-credentialed programs are assigned the last day of registration for continuing students. Non-credentialed programs include: Academic Upgrading, Indigenous University Bridging Program, Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared, Bachelor of Education - minor undeclared, English Language Program, Open Studies and University Entrance Option.

If you are a current student who has applied and been accepted to a new program, you are required to pay the non-refundable Tuition Deposit outlined in your offer letter before you will be eligible to register for courses in your new program.

Spring and Summer registration is independent of Full Year Registration. You can register for Spring/Summer Semesters in accordance with the dates outlined in the Academic Schedule.


Get advised

We recommend that you contact your academic advisor prior to selecting your courses. Find the advisor for your program.

First-year students
Read your program advising guide to find recommendations for course selection. Mandatory advising is required prior to registration for certain programs. Please refer to your admission package for further information. After reading your advising guide, you can contact your academic advisor if you have additional questions or would like them to review your selections.

Transfer students
Read your program advising guide and pay attention to information specifically for students with previous post-secondary course work. Action from you is likely required to optimize your transfer equivalencies. 

Mandatory advising is required prior to registration for certain programs. Please refer to your admission package for further information. After reading your advising guide, you can contact your academic advisor if you have additional questions or would like them to review your selections.

Continuing students
Review your mruGradU8 (MyMRU> My Program> mruGradU8) to ensure courses are being used where you think they should be. Consult the program planning guide for your major to help with course selection and planning. After consulting these tools, you can contact your academic advisor if you have additional questions or would like them to review and discuss your plan.


Allowable Absence


Review the chart below to determine if you are within your allowable absence period. Students who have interrupted their studies for longer than the allowable absence period are required to reapply for admission.

Fall & Winter Course Registration:

If you are within the allowable absence period you can register in courses for the Fall and Winter semesters, but must first pay a Registration Deposit of $125 per semester. Once your Registration Deposit is paid, visit MyMRU> Register & Pay> Register> Registration Landing Page to view your Registration Access Date. 

Spring & Summer Course Registration:

If you are within the allowable absence period and are attending MRU this current Winter 2025 semester, you can register in courses for the Spring and Summer semesters on your Registration Access Date. No Registration Deposit is required for Spring or Summer. If you are not attending MRU this current Winter 2025 semester, please complete our Reactivation Request Form to gain access to course registration for the Spring or Summer semesters.