In the following tutorials demonstrate how to create and manage groups in D2L Brightspace. Feel free to work through the content in order of topic or jump around. The online format allows you to take control of the content found here. You are encouraged to have your D2L site open in another window, so you can experiment, as you learn.


video icon Groups - Create a Group

In this video, you will learn how to create groups in your course.


video icon Groups - Understand Group Enrollment Options

This video shows you the options for enrolling users in groups.


video icon Groups - Modify Group Enrollment

In this video, you will learn how to add or remove students from groups or move them from one group to another.


video icon Create Self-Enroll Groups with Discussions

In this video, you will learn how to

  • create groups where students can self-enroll
  • assign a discussion to each group.