D2L Assignments: TurnItIn

The primary purpose of using TurnItIn® is to create an environment that is fair and transparent for students and instructors. The policy emphasizes that the uses of TurnItIn® as a deterrent or detector of academic misconduct are secondary to the primary educational purpose of the software.

Please refer to Policy 581 when using TurnItIn® in class with your students. In addition to the policy, you can download a friendlier infographic that provides an overview of Policy 581 and includes a checklist of steps.

This section provides you with information on how to create, manage, and deploy TurnItIn® assignments. 

Note: When viewing reports, the percentage only indicates that there is some text that has matched other students papers of content on the web, perhaps legitimately sourced. It should therefore not be considered the amount a paper is plagiarized, but rather an indication that the instructor should review the submission in more detail.

For Instructors

video icon Create an Assignment and Enable TurnItIn®

In this video, you will learn how to enable and configure TurnItIn® for an assignment.

video icon Exclude a Student from TurnItIn®

In this video, you will learn how to exclude students who have an exemption from TurnItIn

video icon Bulk Upload Assignments to TurnItIn® 

In this video, you will learn how to do a bulk upload to TurnItIn for assignments that were emailed to you.

video icon Request Paper Deletion from TurnItIn® Repository

In this video, you will learn how to request a paper be deleted from the Turnitin repository due to accidental, or mistaken submission. 

video icon Check for AI-Generated Content Outside of an Assignment

In this video, you will learn how to use the TurnItIn website to check any document for AI-Generated content.

For Students

video icon Student View of TurnItIn® 

In this video, you will learn how to view your assignment feedback and similarity report.


Sample Statement for Course Outline

In this course, you will be asked to submit material in electronic form to a text matching service to which MRU subscribes called Turnitin.com. This is a service that checks textual material for originality. MRU authorizes the use of text Matching Software for educational purposes. Limited personal information should be entered into the software. It is recommended that personal information entered be limited to MRU identification number, institutional email address and course work.

By submitting your material, you agree that your paper will be subject to a textual similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. Use of Turnitin.com service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the Turnitin.com site. Submitted data resides with the software company outside the University and is used to provide comparisons that promote academic integrity. Once submitted, your materials will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database and used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.

Students have the right to opt out of using the software and may choose another form of originality checking, subject to the agreement of the instructor. Students must notify their instructor of their intention to opt out no later than ten business days after the add/drop date for their course/term. Inquiries regarding the use of Turnitin.com in your course can be directed to your course instructor [title, business address and phone number]. General information about Turnitin.com including training materials and the University's reasons for using it can be found at https://bit.ly/d2l-assignments.

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