D2L Communication Tools: Announcements

Announcements are a quick and easy way to broadcast messages to your students in a timely fashion. The announcement tool can enhance student accountability because they will always know what is expected of them for upcoming classes through an announcement.

video icon Announcements - Create an Announcement

In this video, you will learn how to create an announcement.

video icon Announcements - Delete and Restore Announcements

In this video, you will learn to:

  • delete an announcement
  • restore a deleted announcement

video icon Teaching Tips - Make Regular Announcements

This video provides suggestions for making regular announcements to increase communication with your students.

By default, students won't be emailed when a new announcement is added to your course. Students will need to adjust their notification settings and opt-in to receive emails for announcements. Share the video below with your students to show them how to change these settings.

video icon Notification Settings (for students)

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