D2L Grades: Get Started

video icon Grades - Understanding Grades

This video outlines key aspects of creating and using your grade book.

video icon Grades - Create a Grade Item

In this video, you will learn to create a new grade item in your grade book.

video icon Grades and Assignments - Create and Apply Selectbox Grade Items

In this video, you will learn how to create a selectbox grade item and apply it to an assignment.

video icon Grades - Create a Category

In this video, you will learn to create a new category in your grade book.

video icon Grades - Associate an Activity with a Grade Item

In this video, you will learn how to associate an activity with an item your grade book.

video icon Setup weighted grades in D2L from imported Blackboard grade center

In this video, you will learn to:

  • use the Setup Wizard in grades to include weights
  • edit grade items to adjust weights
  • clean up the grade book to remove unneeded items

video icon Setup weighted grades in D2L from scratch

In this video, you will learn to:

  • create a grade item and assign both a point value and weight
  • edit a grade item
  • assign an assessment to a grade item

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