Respondus LockDown Browser

What is Respondus LockDown Browser and how does it work?

Respondus is a partner of D2L and offers LockDown Browser, a safe, secure, custom web browser that restricts the testing environment within D2L and acts as an additional layer of security during tests/exams. Through D2L test settings, faculty can direct students to take an online test through LockDown Browser (as opposed to Google Chrome or other standard browsers). LockDown Browser turns off printing/screen capturing, prevents access to other applications/browser tabs, and blocks other online activities that could jeopardize academic integrity.

LockDown Browser features:

  • Assessments are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized
  • Browser menu and toolbar options are removed, except for Back, Forward, Refresh and Stop
  • Prevents access to other applications including messaging, screen-sharing, virtual machines, and remote desktops
  • Printing and screen capture functions are disabled
  • Copying and pasting anything to or from an assessment is prevented
  • Right-click menu options, function keys, keyboard shortcuts and task switching are disabled
  • An assessment cannot be exited until the student submits it for grading
  • Assessments that are set up for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with other browsers

Should I use LockDown Browser for my D2L quiz/test/exam?

We strongly recommend that LockDown Browser only be used for proctored or supervised exams. Students writing a test or exam at home (or other unproctored/unsupervised environments) could access another computer or device to work around the layer of security that LockDown Browser provides.

Please contact the ADC Sandbox to determine if LockDown Browser is a good option for your online test or exam.

How do I require students to use LockDown Browser when taking a D2L quiz/test/exam?

In your D2L course, go to Assessments > Quizzes and you will have a new LockDown Browser tab. From here, for each test in your course, you can specify 'Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam', as well as other advanced settings.

Please see this video which outlines the steps for setting up LockDown Browser for your D2L test or exam.

Is there anything that I should do in advance of delivering an exam requiring LockDown Browser?

  1. Be sure to communicate to your students that you will be requiring LockDown Browser for your online exam.
  2. Perform a 'test assessment' requiring LockDown Browser with your students (ideally using the same computer that the exam will be written on). This way, any technical issues can be sorted out before the actual exam. Please watch this video for steps on setting up a test assessment.

How does LockDown Browser work with setting up exam accommodations for students?

A great feature of LockDown Brower's integration with D2L is the ability to not only require students to write the exam inside LockDown Browser but also the ability to exempt students with accommodations if required. This can be done by going to Availability Dates and Conditions > Manage Special Access in the settings of a D2L exam.

Please see this video which outlines the steps for setting up an exam accommodation to require or not require the use of LockDown Browser.

What are the computer / device requirements to run LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser can be installed on the following computers/devices:

  • Windows PCs (Windows 10 and 11)
  • Mac computers (macOS 10.15 Catalina and newer)
  • Chromebooks (ChromeOS LTS)
  • iPads (iPadOS 12.0 and newer)

Please visit Respondus's LockDown Browser Requirements page for more info.

Is LockDown Browser installed in MRU computer labs?

LockDown Browser will be installed in MRU computer labs in time for Fall 2023 final exams. Please reach out to the ADC Sandbox if you have any questions in regards to specific computer labs.

I am on an MRU computer without LockDown Browser installed, and I don't have admin rights to install software. What should I do?

Laptops and desktops issued to faculty/staff, as well as public space computers not located in labs, do not have Respondus LockDown Browser installed automatically. However,you should be able to install LockDown Browser via Windows Software Center by following the steps outlined in this video.

Is MRU considering online proctoring such as webcam proctoring?

No, although Respondus offers this as a fee-for-service (called Respondus Monitor), MRU is not considering this option at this time.

How to use Respondus LockDown Browser

video icon Use Respondus LockDown Browser in D2L

In this video, you will learn how:

  • to set up the Lockdown Browser feature in your D2L tests
  • students will download and install Lockdown Browser
  • student will take the test using Lockdown Browser

video icon LockDown Browser Settings for Accomodation Students 

In this video, you will learn how to:

  • give an student with accomodation more time
  • override the LockDown Browser requirement

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