MRU faculty receive funding for discovery research

A number of MRU researchers were successful in securing recently announced funding for discovery and applied research.
Yasir Naqvi, parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Health, and Ryan Turnbull, parliamentary secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, outlined $693.8 million in funding for discovery and applied research on June 14.
“Canada’s science and research sector is solving some of the world’s greatest challenges, all while driving innovation, growth and productivity. Research programs like Discovery give researchers the flexibility to explore the most promising avenues of research as they emerge to ensure Canada remains a world leader in science and new technologies. Congratulations to all exceptional researchers receiving support, we look forward to learning of your successes, said François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.
More than $554 million of that will flow through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Discovery Research Program. This program also connects Canadian research teams to global research questions through international collaborations and attracts the world’s brightest minds to the country to increase the impact of science, technology and innovation in Canada.
“We are excited and grateful to receive additional Discovery grants from NSERC. These grants are a testament to the talent, hard work and success of faculty at MRU. Funding will support continued growth and impact of research in a number of scientific disciplines as well as provide important undergraduate training initiatives for our students,” said Jonathan Withey, DPhil, dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at MRU.
NSERC Discovery Grant funding coming to MRU researchers includes:
Benjamin Daniels, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences: $130,000 plus a one-year Discovery Launch Supplement of $12,500: The long-term evolution of stratigraphic architecture in ancient foreland basins: implications for natural resource exploration.
Trevor Day, PhD, professor in the Department of Biology: $325,000: The Integration of Respiratory and Renal Acid-Base Responses to Acute and Chronic Blood Gas Stressors.
Adam Humeniuk, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Mathematics and Computing: $95,000 plus a one year Discovery Launch Supplement of $12,500: C*-covers of operator algebras and noncommutative convexity. This is MRU’s first NSERC grant in mathematics.
Gwen O’Sullivan, PhD, vice-dean, Faculty of Science & Technology: $180,000: Characterization of smoke from wildfires for source apportionment and human health risk assessment in urban environments.