MRU Collaborative Degree
What is a collaborative degree program?
Mount Royal University began offering collaborative degree programs in September 2011. A collaborative degree program is an agreement between institutions allowing diploma graduates the opportunity to obtain an MRU degree at their home institution. Students will continue to study at their home institutions in their third and fourth year of the degree and will have their official academic history recorded at both institutions for those years. Although they will pursue their studies at their home institution, the MRU curriculum and standards for the degree will be adhered to.
Transcript Information
The MRU official transcript will record all four years of course registration and grades completed at the home institution. First and second year courses will be recorded as transfer credit to MRU. Third and fourth year courses will be recorded as MRU courses. Transcripts from the home institution will identify that official grades for MRU courses reside with Mount Royal University.
In order to obtain a complete official record, students must obtain official transcripts from both institutions. MRU is the official record holder for conferring and confirming the awarded degree. Transfer credits at another post-secondary institution from the third and fourth year should be awarded from MRU and NOT their home institution.
Any courses that present an asterisk (*) as part of the numbering means they do not have direct equivalencies to any MRU courses although they do satisfy graduation requirements. Any questions or course outlines for these courses must be obtained through the student's home institution.
Academic Regulations
Students who are part of a collaborative degree program are eligible for the Dean's and President's Honour Rolls, however all other academic regulations are administered and adhered to by their home institution. Collaborative degree students have the option of attending the convocation at MRU and/or their home institution. All Mount Royal graduation requirements will be adhered to. Mount Royal is responsible for ensuring the quality and integrity of the degree as represented by faculty and curriculum.
Current collaborative degrees
- Bachelor of Education - Elementary
For information about applying for a collaborative degree, please visit: