Teaching and Learning
Mount Royal University has a rich tradition of teaching excellence, focusing on personalized learning. Our faculty, consistently revered for their knowledge, inspiration, and engagement, cultivate a supportive environment with meaningful connections. Prioritizing student engagement and success, we consistently rank among the top Canadian universities for teaching quality and overall educational student experience. It is not just our small class sizes that afford this; it is Mount Royal University’s collective commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.
Teaching and learning at MRU is organized through three avenues: the Academic Development Centre, Student Learning Services, and the Mokakiiks Centre for SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning). These centers ensure a comprehensive approach to educational excellence, offering resources, support, and innovative practices for both faculty and students.
MRU is a longstanding leader in Community Service Learning (CSL). The Academic Development Centre (ADC) provides support for CSL, assisting with curriculum design, classroom engagement, research and scholarship, and the designation of courses as CSL.
Students, faculty members, and members of our broader community are all invited to engage in CSL at MRU. Through this engagement, you'll experience an educational and experiential learning approach that extends beyond conventional boundaries, fostering a significant and positive impact.