
University Honours Committee


The University Honours Committee considers nominations for recipients of the title "emeritus/emerita" and for recipients of honorary degrees.

Membership 2024-2025

Name Title Role  Term
Tim Rahilly President and Vice-Chancellor Chair Ex officio
Vacant Chancellor Member Ex offcio
Chad London Provost and Vice-President, Academic Member Ex officio
Melanie Rogers Vice-President, University Advancement Member Ex officio
Stephen Price Dean, Faculty of Health, Community and Education Member (appointed by the Provost) June 30, 2026
Jennifer Pettit Dean, Faculty of Arts  Member (appointed by the Provost) June 30, 2026
Rachael Pettigrew Academic Staff Member Member (elected by GFC) June 30, 2026
Maryam Elahi Academic Staff Member Member (elected by GFC) June 30, 2026
Kathy Homer Assistant University Secretary, Board Recording Secretary

Honorary Degrees

Honorary degrees are awarded in recognition of an individual's extraordinary achievement or outstanding service in our community, in Canada or internationally. Successful candidates are those who have distinguished themselves from others, achieved an exceptional standard of excellence in their chosen field and used their position or recognition for the betterment of society. The individual’s achievement should be aligned with the vision and values of Mount Royal University and the candidate should provide leadership and inspiration by being a role model to our graduates. 

Honorary Degree Recipients

Guidelines for the Awarding of Honorary Degrees at Mount Royal University

Nomination form for an Honorary Degree CandidateAcademic Emeritus/Emerita Designation The emeritus/emerita designation is an award that recognizes the outstanding, distinguished contributions of a retired individual to the academic life of Mount Royal University. As an award that recognizes distinguished service, it is not bestowed automatically. It is bestowed by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of General Faculties Council and the Mount Royal University Honours Committee. Once granted, the title is held continually at the pleasure of the Board of Governors of Mount Royal University.


Emeritus/Emerita Recipients List

Academic Emeritus/Emerita Designation Policy

Academic Emeritus/Emerita Designation Procedures

Nomination Form for an Academic Emeritus/Emerita Candidate

For further information, contact:

University Secretariat

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