Student Record

Preferred first name & frequently asked questions

A preferred first name is a name by which you choose to identify yourself within the Mount Royal University community that differs from your official/legal name. For example, a student who goes by the name of Robert may prefer to be called Bob.

Your legal first name is the name that appears on legal documents, such as your birth certificate or passport.

Your preferred first name may be used on all unofficial university documents and tools, such as:

  • Campus Card
  • Class lists
  • MyMRU
  • mruGradU8
  • D2L
  • Emails from Mount Royal
  • Your mtroyal email address - outbound name will reflect the preferred first name

Your legal first name must appear on official university documents, such as:

  • University transcripts
  • Parchment/convocation documents
  • Tax forms
  • Financial Aid and Scholarship documents
  • Confirmation of Registration

How do I change my preferred first name?

  1. Login to MyMRU
  2. Select the My Program tab
  3. Go to the Personal Information box
  4. Select View/update my personal profile
  5. Go to Personal Details>Edit

How do I change my ONECard?
Visit the ONECard office and let the attendant know which name you would like displayed before it is printed.

How quickly will my preferred first name appear in the system?
Your preferred name will be appear immediately after you submit the request.

What is acceptable and unacceptable when entering a preferred first name?

Your preferred first name may be up to 15 characters and is limited to alpha characters (A-Z and a-z), space or hyphen (-). You should refrain from using the following in your preferred first name:

  • Characters from multiple languages.
  • Titles of any kind, ex. professional, religious.
  • Offensive or suggestive words of any kind, or
  • Pretending to be anyone else.

At Mount Royal, we trust that if you're using a preferred first name in the classroom environment that you are comfortable with it being spoken aloud. Without question it is your right to choose and use a preferred name, however, please be advised that inappropriate and/or offensive language/references will be referred to the Office of Student Community Standards.

Do I have to enter a preferred first name?

No, entering a preferred first name is optional.

Can I change my preferred first name?
Yes, you can delete or change your preferred first name at any time.

When is the best time to update my preferred first name?
The earlier in the academic term, the better. If you make the update at the start of a new academic term, the more likely you will experience the consistent use of your preferred first name by professors, academic advisors, etc. For example, some professors may use the class list before the add/drop period and if you miss this deadline, your name change may not be picked up by the professor.