EDI Resources

Inclusive Language Resources


Books and other Readings:


Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication - Milton J. Bennett


Riding the Waves of Culture - Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner


The harmful ableist language you unknowingly use - Sara Nović, 5th April 2021 

How microaggressions are like mosquito bites - Same Difference (1:57)

Cultural Competency Resources

Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication - Milton J. Bennett

Riding the Waves of Culture - Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner


Indigenous Canada course University of Alberta (free 10 week course)


Body Ritual Among the Nacirema - Horace Miner


The Inconvenient Indian: A curious account of native people in North America - Thomas King


Policing Black Lives: State violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present - Robyn Maynard


The harmful ableist language you unknowingly use - Sara Nović





Building Cultural Competence (24:59)

How to Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias - Valerie Alexander (17:23)

Why Cultural Diversity Matters - Michael Gavin (17:52)

Let’s Talk Diversity and Inclusion - Courtney Tritch (18:16)

Etuaptmumk: Two-Eyed Seeing - Rebecca Thomas (14:22) 

Disability Sensitivity Training Video (3:40) 

5 Tips for Being an Ally (3:31)  

Aboriginal History “Did you Know?” Part 1 (5:12) 

Aboriginal History “Did you Know?” Part 2 (4:33)

Aboriginal History “Did you Know?” Part 3 (5:10)

Aboriginal History “Did you Know?” Part 4 (6:31)

Why inclusive language is so important! - Kelly Kitagawa (6:25)

How the world learned to say LGBT - Fahad Saeed (15:41): 

Privilege Resources:

Opportunities for White People in the Fight for Racial Justice

Exploring my Power and Privilege Toolkit

How White People Can Hold Each Other Accountable to Stop Institutional Racism - Lydia Ortiz

#DoTheWork – 30 day challenge 




How to recognize your white privilege - and use it to fight inequality - Peggy McIntosh (18:26) 

Understanding My Privilege - Sue Borrego (12:48)  


James Corden Gets a Lesson on White Privilege (5:01)

Deconstructing White Privilege - Dr. Robin DiAngelo (22:05)

White Fragility - Dr. Robin DiAngelo (9:12)

Is Meritocracy a Sham? - Daniel Markovits (19:01)

Pedagogy of Privilege - Justin Ford (13:48)


Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack - Peggy McIntosh (6:02)

Coming to Terms with Racism’s Inertia; Ancestral Accountability - Rachel Cargle (13:05) 

What is White Privilege? - John Amaechi (2:31)


How White Privilege Works - Unpack That (3:59)


Brown Eyes and Blue Eyes Racism Experiment Children Session - Jane Elliott (14:36) 

Jane Elliott on Jimmy Fallon (7:16) 


5 things we need to stop saying about Aboriginal people - Wab Kinew

The Look 


Two Canadas: My story of generosity and systemic racism - Ahmed Hussen (12:52) 


On White Privilege - Tim Wise (9:31)