Passwords made easy
Passwords are a pain. To make your life easier, we have answered some common password questions.
An effective password that is difficult to hack is:
- Long
- 8 characters or more
- The longer it is, the stronger it is
- Strong
- Contain uppercase letters, lower case letters, numbers
- Does not contain personal information
- Does not contain dictionary words
- Unique
- If one account is hacked, the rest are secure
- Come up with three random words that have meaning to you.
- Capitalize one ore more letters. Do not just capitalize the first letter.
- Insert a number into each word. This is more secure than substituting numbers for letters.
Looking for some other easy password creation ideas? Check out these links:
- PC Magazine - How to Create Strong Passwords
- Google - Creating a Strong Password
- Lifehacker - Infographic for Picking a Strong Password
Having difficulty remembering all those passwords? Use a password manager like KeePass2. It will generate passwords for you, store them and let you login with three key strokes. All you have to remember is your master password.
Worried that it will be hacked? All the data in KeePass is encrypted and unreadable without the key, the master password. Even if it is hacked the information will be useless to anyone without the master password.
KeePass2 is available on every Mount Royal workstation. Want it for your home computer? Visit the site. It is free to download.
Two-factor authentication and its cousin, two step-verification are forms of multi-factor authentication. They protect your account even when your password is compromised. It find out more, visit the multi-factor authentication page.