Online training

Mount Royal University offers its employees, contractors and contract instructors a fun, informative and engaging cybersecurity awareness training program that is administered and delivered through our Security Education Platform. While all employees must take cybersecurity awareness training, only those in HR, Finance, Payroll, Supply Chain, executives and those who handle payment card data are required to complete it online. All other employees, contractors and contract instructors have the option of completing a workshop

If you are a new employee, you will automatically be assigned a full cybersecurity awareness training course.If you are a current employee, a pre-test will appear in your assignment list. The pre-test must be completed before any other training assignments. How you perform on the pre-test will determine what additional training you will be assigned. Once you have completed the pre-test allow for up to 30 min for the assigned training to appear in your assignment list. If nothing does, then you haven’t been assigned additional training. 


To access your online cybersecurity awareness training:

1. Open a browser.

2. Enter into the address bar. A login screen appears.

3. Login to the training platform using your MRU workstation login credentials. A list of training modules assigned to you appears.

4. Click on the first module to get started or click the Start Assignment button.

Please note:

  • As you complete the modules, they are removed from the Training Module Assignment list.
  • To get the most out of your training, complete it a little at a time rather than all in one sitting.

If you have any questions about the cybersecurity awareness training, please contact the IT Training Security Analyst at 403.440.6329 or