Alexandra Nicholson

Alexandra Nicholson

Content writer, author
Class of 2019
1. Where did you do your internship while in MRU Journalism?
Communications at Lo Cost Moving
2. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have liked to give yourself as you started your internship?
Don’t be afraid to jump into unknown waters!
3. What is something that really stands out when you think about your time at MRU Journalism?
Having the opportunity to film a documentary in a foreign country. I was able to jump right into a new culture and interact with many amazing people.
4. How transferrable were the skills you acquired in your education?
I learned so much more than just journalism. I learned how to become a better writer, editor, and communicator. Most of my work since graduating has been in marketing, communications, and content writing. More recently it has helped me write a novel. My researching skills blended with editorial skills made the process so much easier.
5. In your career, what type of work has most excited you, and why?
Anything to do with writing and storytelling. I love creativity, both fiction and nonfiction. Ever since I was a child I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in writing.
6. What is the most important but unwritten rule that you’ve learned on the job?
Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and/or your projects.
7. Who has most inspired you along the way, and why?
This is a tough one because I can think of so many people. My former profs, my family, friends, coworkers… I suppose it’s different for each stage of my career: For university Sally Haney, Sean Holman, and Patti Edgar made a huge difference in honing my skills. For writing fiction, it would have to be Leonardo Nunesmaia and the writer’s group he introduced me to.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience in Mount Royal University's Journalism & Digital Media program?
This program changed my life and my outlook on the world. I overcame my shyness and was able to help elevate voices that weren’t being heard.