Anna Junker
Journalist, Edmonton JournalGraduated 2018
1. Where did you do your internship?
Calgary Herald.
2. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have liked to give yourself as you started your internship?
Not to be so nervous and it's OK if you make mistakes! I learned a lot during my internship and everyone who I worked with was there to help and was ready to answer any questions I had about doing daily journalism.
3. What is something that really stands out when you think of your time at MRU journalism?
One of the things that stands out the most to me was the camaraderie with my fellow students, especially in Year 4 where we were able to work closely together on the Journal editorial boards. How helpful and available the professors were stands out as well, I felt like I could go to them at any time with questions about my work in the program, as well as life as a journalist outside of MRU.
4. How transferable were the skills you acquired in your education?
Very, very transferrable.
5. In your career, what type of work has most excited you and why?
Breaking news. There's nothing like the thrill of having a big story happening in real time and working with colleagues to get the most up to date and accurate information out.
6. What is the most important but unwritten rule that you’ve learned on the job?
Be careful what you say on social media.