Hannah Kost

Hannah Kost

Graduated 2016
Online Journalist, Video Digital Associate Producer & Social Media Presenter
CBC Calgary
1. Where did you do your internship while in MRU Journalism?
Jigsaw Productions
2. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you have liked to give yourself as you started your internship?
When I finished a task, I'd knock on doors around the office and ask for another assignment. I found out after that this made an impact, and I've carried it forward to other jobs! So I guess I'd retroactively reassure myself that I wasn't being a pest.
3. What is something that really stands out when you think about your time at MRU Journalism?
The sense of community. My peers were trench mates and my profs were mentors. It was a safe place to experiment, be creative, test boundaries and occasionally, get it wrong.
4. How transferrable were the skills you acquired in your education?
Hugely! I've been lucky to work consistently since graduating, and from writing to video editing, those opportunities were rooted directly in skillsets I learned and sharpened in the program.
5. In your career, what type of work has most excited you, and why?
I media-trained military at a Canadian Forces Base for years, and that was the most exhilarating (and sometimes grueling) work I've ever done. It involved long hours, complex stories, drafting questions on the fly, interviewing soldiers and cutting video in the field. It challenged me to think quickly and ask the tough stuff, and I experienced tremendous growth during my time there.
6. What is the most important but unwritten rule that you’ve learned on the job
Ask the question you're worried might be stupid! It's preferable to misunderstanding your story and making a (potentially public) mistake.
7. Who has most inspired you along the way, and why?
Blair Foster at Jigsaw Productions is a complete wizard in her field, and while at the helm of various high-profile projects, she still took the time to show kindness to everyone. As an intern, I never forgot it; as a journalist, I've tried to emulate it. I believe it's how you get the best from people.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience in MRU Journalism?
Journalism is a small community, and the connections you make in school are likely to surprise you down the road — so nurture them.