Joan Harris, MHSc, RN

Administrative Title: Course Coordinator, ICU
Office: W302J
Phone: 403.440.6982
MHSc, University of Toronto
BN, University of Alberta
Joan Harris has an MHSc specializing in bioethics from the University of Toronto, a BSc in honours physiology from the University of Alberta and an RN diploma from the Royal Alexandra School of Nursing. She comes to Mount Royal University with over 20 years of critical care nursing experience at the bedside and as a Clinical Nurse Educator in the Foothills Medical Centre ICU and continues to work at the bedside in this unit. She is a member of the Canadian Association for Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) and has attended and presented at this conference numerous times.
Areas of Instruction
- ACCN Clinical
- ACCN Physiology
- ACCN Pathophysiology
- ACCN Pharmacology
- ACCN Assessment
Areas of Scholarship
- Critical Care Nursing
- Advanced Studies in Critical Care Nursing
Selected Presentations
Next Frontier: Microbiome and epigenetics in the management of sepsis and septic shock (virtual presentation) National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Symposium (NTI) (May, 2021)
The Clot thickens: And other coagulation mysteries revealed! — CACCN Dynamics National Conference 2019 — Publication/Presentation/Workshop
No Gut, No Glory: The importance of maintaining the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract in critically ill patients. CACCN Dynamics National Conference 2019 — Publication & Presentation
Creation & Implementation of a High Observation Guideline for Head & Neck Flap Patients in the ICU - CACCN Dynamics National Conference 2017 — Publication & Presentation
Traumatic Brain Injury: Putting the pieces together — CACCN National Conference 2017(Publication/Presentation/Workshop)
Cerebral Microdialysis: Microdialysis of tissue metabolic markers post TBI CACCN National Conference 2016 (Publication & Presentation)