Kerri Alderson, MN, RN

Academic Title: Associate Professor
phone: 403.440.8841
MN, University of Calgary
BScN, University of Alberta
Kerri Alderson, R.N., B.Sc.N., M.N. has been a full-time faculty member at Mount Royal University since August 2006. Prior to her current tenure as Associate Professor, she was employed as a part-time instructor at Mount Royal and as a medical nurse in a wide variety of settings in Canada and the United States. Kerri graduated from the collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program offered by Red Deer College and the University of Alberta. She received her graduate degree from the University of Calgary. Her nursing practice has primarily been in adult medical nursing, focusing on populations with chronic illness. Her current research interests include nursing pedagogy, clinical nursing education, games-based learning and simulation. Kerri is passionate about her students and teaching, and was one of 8 Albertan registered nurses nominated for a 2019 CARNA Award of Nursing Excellence in Education.
Areas of Instruction
- N1112 - Health Promotion with Individuals I
- N1214 - Professional Practice I
- N3104 - Adult Health
- Simulation Facilitator, BN and BCN Program
Area of Scholarship
- Nursing Pedagogy
- Clinical Nursing Education
- Games-Based Learning
- Simulation
Selected Publication
Kennedy, A., Semple, L., Alderson, K., Bouskill, V., Karasevich, J., Riske, B., van Gunst, S. (2017). Don't Push Your Luck! Educational Family Board (Not Bored) Game for School-Age Children Living with Chronic Conditions. Journal of Pediatric Nursing (Vol. 35 pp. 57-64). Elsevier. (In Print / Published). doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2017.02.032
Selected Presentations
Rossi., R., Alderson, K., Best, K. (2018). Who Really Wrote this Paper? Your Students and Contract Cheating. Faculty Lunch and Learn, Mount Royal University, Calgary.
Alderson, K. (2015). Screen Casting Instead of Illegible Scribbles: Making a Mini Movie for Feedback on Students' Scholarly Papers". Asian Conference on Education (ACE), Kobe, Japan.
Alderson, K., Quance, M., Currie, G. (2014). Student Learning Using Live Actor Simulation in Nursing Education. Research and Scholarship Showcase, Mount Royal University, Calgary.
Kennedy, A., Semple, L., Alderson, K. (2014). Enjoying Connections and Exploring Issues through a Family Educational Board (not Bored!) Game. European Conference on Games-Based Learning (ECGBL), Berlin, Germany.
Alderson, K., King, D., O'Connor, T. (2014). Spotlight on Assessment. ADC Workshop, Mount Royal University.
- Tenure Committee - Mount Royal School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Chair - Student Award, Bursary and Scholarship Committee - Mount Royal School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Simulation Committee- Mount Royal School of Nursing and Midwifery
- BN New Student Orientation Committee - Mount Royal School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Sessional Hiring Steering Committee - Mount Royal School of Nursing and Midwifery