Tracy L. Powell, RN
Academic Title: Associate ProfessorContact Information
email: tlpowell@mtroyal.ca
phone: 403.440.8847
PhD(c), University of Victoria
MN, University of Calgary
BScN, Western University
Tracy’s other recent research projects have focused on teaching and learning and clinical practice development. She has co-led survey research on graduate studies & clinical practice for oncology nurses; and qualitative research on the experiences of first year nursing students participating in a shadow learning experience in an outpatient oncology clinic.
Areas of Instruction
- Nursing leadership
- Social justice
- Nursing ethics
- Clinical practicum- transitioning to independent practice
Areas of Scholarship
- Medical assistance in dying/assisted death; End-of-life care
- Family member/caregiver experiences
- Oncology nursing and cancer care
- Nursing and health professional ethics
- Nurse education
Selected Publications
Powell, T.L., Cooke, J., & Brakke, A. (2019). Altered nursing student perspectives: Impact of a pre-clinical observation experience at an outpatient oncology setting. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal (CONJ), 29(1), 33-38. doi:10.5737 /236880762913338
Galica, J., Bilodeau, K., Strohschein, F., Powell, T., Lambert, L., & Truant, T. (2018). Building and Sustaining a Postgraduate Student Network: The Experience of Oncology Nurses in Canada. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal (CONJ), 28(4), 288-293. doi:10.5737/23688076284288293
Jakubec, S., Tomaszewski, A., Powell, T., & Osuji, J. (2012). “More than the house”: A Canadian perspective on housing stability. Housing, Care and Support Journal, 15(3), 99-108. doi: 10.1108/14608791211268518
Selected Presentations
Powell, T.L. (8 January 2020). Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). Origin at Spring Creek. Canmore, AB. Oral presentation. (Invited)
Powell, T.L. (23 October 2019). How might the experiences of bereaved family members be studied in the context of medical assistance in dying (MAID)? [Conference presentation-oral]. CANO/ACIO 2019 Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada
Haase, K.R., Horrill, T., Lambert, L., Powell, T., & Strohschein, F. (23 October 2019). Integrating oncology practice and academic worlds: Results from an international survey [Conference presentation-oral]. CANO/ACIO 2019 Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada
Powell, T.L. (4 October 2019). Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). Alberta Managers Society – Senior Citizen Housing, 2019 Fall Workshop. Red Deer, AB. Workshop facilitation. (Invited)
Powell. T.L., Galica, J., Haase, K., Kaur, J., Lambert, L., Strohschein, F., & Truant, T. (October 2018). Bridging graduate studies and clinical practice for the benefit of oncology patients and families: Ne’r the twain shall meet? [Conference presentation- workshop]. CANO/ACIO 2018 Annual Conference, Charlottetown, Canada
Community Service
- Chair- Doctoral Student Network (DSN) (2018-2021), Canadian Association of Nursing in Oncology/ Association Canadienne des infermière en oncologie (CANO/ACIO)
- Collective Bargaining Committee member (2020-2022) (2010-2012), Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA)
- Executive Board Member-at-Large (2013-2016), Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA)
- Member Development Committee member (2012-2015), International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC)
- President of the Oncology Nurses Interest Group of Alberta (ONIGA- South) (2006- 2009), Chapter of the Canadian Association of Nursing in Oncology/ Association Canadienne des infermière en oncologie (CANO/ACIO)