Genevieve Currie, PhD, RN

Academic Title: Associate Professor
Office: Y359
PhD, University of Calgary, Faculty of Nursing
MN, University of Calgary, Faculty of Nursing
BN, University of Calgary, Faculty of Nursing
Genevieve Currie teaches undergraduate nursing students in the areas of family newborn health, leadership and population health. She is an educator, researcher, parent advocate, and activist. Her research interests include exploring the parent's experience of caring for children with complex care needs such as neurodevelopmental disorders, rare diseases, and prematurity; family engagement in research; pediatric care models for children with medical complexity; curriculum development; community health nursing leadership and education; and interprofessional education.
Areas of Instruction
- Family Newborn Health
- Leadership Trends and Issues in Nursing
- Community and Population Health
Areas of Scholarship
- Family Experience of caring for a child with complex needs
- Pediatric Medical Complexity: rare disease, neurodevelopmental disorders, prematurity
- Community Health Nursing Leadership
- Interprofessional Education
- Family Engagement in Research
Currie, G., Estefan, A., & Caine, V. (2023). Mothering a Child with Complexity and Rarity: A Narrative Inquiry Exploring Prader-Willi Syndrome. Qualitative Health Research.
Currie, G., Materula, D., Gall, V.N., Lachuk, G., Richard, C. Yohemas, M., Dewan, T., Gibbard, W.B. & Zwicker, J.D. (2023). Care coordination of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and medical complexity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Caregiver experiences. Child: Care, Health and Development. UK: ScholarOne. doi:10.1111/cch.13149
Currie, G., Finlay, B., Seth, A., Roth, C., Elsabbagh, M., Hudon, A., ... & Zwicker, J. (2022). Mental health challenges during COVID-19: Perspectives from parents with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17(1), 2136090.
Currie, G., & Szabo, J. (2020). Social isolation and exclusion: The parents' experience of caring for children with rare neurodevelopmental disorders. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 15(1), 1725362.
Currie, G., & Szabo, J. (2019). ‘It would be much easier if we were just quiet and disappeared’: Parents silenced in the experience of caring for children with rare diseases. Health Expectations, 22(6), 1251-1259.
Selected Presentations
Currie, G. (2023) Caring for a Child with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Narrative Inquiry. KBHN conference October 24, 2023, Ottawa, Canada
Currie, G. (2023). Unable to feed my hungry child: a narrative inquiry into Prader-Willi Syndrome. Children's Health Care Canada national conference, Vancouver, Dec. 2023
Currie, G. & Pozniak, K., (2022). Mothering children with disabilities after the Covid-19 pandemic. Mothers Matter Conference, Ontario, Canada
Currie, G. & Zwicker, J. (2022). Mental health challenges during COVID-19: perspectives from parents with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. International conference DOHaD and KBHN conference, August 2022, Vancouver, Canada
Currie, G., & Semple, L. (2021). Exploring meaningful and engaging learning strategies for family centered approaches to care. Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing. May 2021.
Relevant Community Service
- Co-Chair Children with Medical Complexity National Committee, Children's Healthcare Canada
- Research Grant Committee, Kids Brain Health Network, National Committee
- Community Health Nurses of Canada Co-Chair Leadership Institute Standing Committee
- Brain Canada Research Awards Committee (Brain Canada)
- Steering Committee for outpatient care coordination at Alberta Children’s Hospital (ACH)