Holly Feist, MN, BN

Academic Title: Associate Professor
Administrative Title: Course Coordinator, ER
Contact Information
Office: W302C
email: hfeist@mtroyal.ca
phone: 403.440.8783
MN, University of Calgary
BN, University of Calgary
Holly's graduate studies focused on educating the acute care nurse surrounding urgent and emergent situations.
Holly was a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the PICU at Alberta Children's Hospital and instrumental in introducing their rapid response system to the emergency department.
Her current research is focused on rapid response systems in the emergency department.
Area of Instruction
- ACCN Assessment
- ACCN Pathophysiology
- ACCN Caring for the Acutely Ill and Injured A
- ACCN Caring for the Acutely Ill and Injured B
Area of Scholarship
- Rapid response systems within the emergency department
- Scholarship of teaching and learning in relation to the online learning environment
Selected Publications
Feist, H.A. (2019). Chapter 73: Emergency Nursing. In M.EL. Hussein & J. Osuji (Eds.) Brunner & Suddarth’s Canadian Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Selected Presentations
EmERging Dynamics (Calgary, AB) - An ER nurses' perspective on being called to court
Emergency Medicine Research Day (Calgary, AB) - ACH introduction of a rapid response system
3rd Global Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care Conference - (Noordwikjerhout, Netherlands) - Introduction of a rapid response system to the emergency department
Dynamics (Halifax, NS) - The clot thickens
Dynamics (Halifax, NS) - Gut integrity in the ICU
Relevant Community Service
Working with a middle school in Airdrie, AB to discuss emergency topics
Working with Carsland Volunteer Fire Department in a medical education capacity.
Career mentor with Junior Achievers World of Choices https://jasab.ca/students/