Judy Gleeson, PhD, RN


Academic Title: Associate Professor

email: jglesson@mtroyal.ca



PhD, University of Bournemouth, U.K.
MA(Policy Studies), University of Northampton, U.K.
BSc (Hons), City University, U.K.
Post-Graduate Diploma (ed) and Post- Graduate Diploma (public health nursing), South Bank University, U.K.


My professional background is in public health nursing and community nursing. I have been teaching health professionals since 1998 in the U.K. and in Canada. I started teaching at Mount Royal University in 2007, and was awarded tenure as an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing in 2010.


 Area of Instruction

  • Community Nursing
  • Public health
  • Health equity
  • Health policy
  • Global health

 Scholarly Interests

  • Health equity
  • Food literacy and accessibility
  • Global health
  • Education

Recent Publications

Gleeson, J. (2019) Planting seeds: fostering pre-school children's interaction with nature and enhancing inter-generational relationships in a campus community garden. Journal of Childhood Studies (Accepted)

Calvert, V., Peacock, D., Underwood, M., Gleeson, J., Kennedy A. and Tavcer, S. (2018) Global service learning: enhancing humility in Lund, D. (ed) 'The Wiley International handbook of Service Learning for Social Justice' Toronto: Wiley

Underwood, M., Gleeson, J., Konnert, C., Wong, K. and Valerio, B. (2016) Global host partner perspectives: Utilizing a conceptual model to strengthen collaboration with host partners for international nursing student placements Public Health Nursing Vol 33(4) 351-359.

Gleeson, J., Hemingway, A., Rosser, E. (2015). To what extent do health visitors and school nurses have a voice in the policy process? Community Practitioner (July 2015)

Dosani, A. and Gleeson, J. (2015). Global Health in Stamler, L., Yiu, L. And Dosani, A. (2015) Community Health Nursing: A Canadian Perspective Toronto: Pearson (Fourth edn.). Toronto: Pearson


Selected Presenations

Peacock, D., Calvert, V., Gleeson, J., Tavcer, S. and Kennedy, A. (2017) Panel Discussion: Global Service Learning: Structuring Curriculum to Enhance Humility International Symposium in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL 17) Oct 11-14, 2017 (Role: Co-Author and Co-Presenter)

Melrose, J. and Gleeson, J. (2018) Sprouting Seeds: Connecting children to the natural world through gardening AECEA Conference, Calgary, Canada, April 28, 2018.
Szabo-Hart, J., Gleeson, J., Jakubec, S., Flessati, S., Currie, G. (2017). Community Gardening as Educating for Social Justice: A Participatory Action Research (PAR) Journey in Humble Togetherness. 15th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Garunia, A., Gleeson, J. (2016). Refugees' Experience of Health and Social Care. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Calgary, Alberta. (Role: Co-Author)

Dean, Y., Gleeson, J., Lexier, R., Miller-Young, J., Rathburn, M., Pettit, J., Underwood, M., Calvert, V., Clayton, P. (2015). Moving towards GSL Reciprocity through Faculty Self-Study Track: Faculty and Instructional Innovation. IARSLCE Conference, Boston. (Role: Co-Author)



  • Board Member, Mount Royal Univesity Child Care
  • Community Development projects (NURS 2216)