Maggie Quance, PhD, RN

Administrative Title: Associate Dean, Research and Scholarship
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Academic Title: Associate Professor
phone: 403.440.5525
PhD, University of Calgary
MN, University of Manitoba
BN, University of Manitoba
Maggie's passion has been perinatal nursing, specifically labour and delivery. Her Master's thesis considered the role of the L&D nurse, and her PhD dissertation investigated the social organization of L&D nurses' pain work. Other research projects have considered other aspects of nurses' and clinical instructors' work and student resilience. She is currently starting data collection for a survey of the food security status of the MRU campus with a multi-disciplinary team. In her currently role of Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship for the Faculty of Health, Community and Education, she supports faculty from Child Studies and Social Work, Education, Nursing and Midwifery and Health and Physical Education in their scholarly pursuits.
Areas of Instruction
Areas of Instruction
- Maternal and newborn nursing
- Research methods
Area of Scholarship
- Nurses work
- Clinical Instructors' work
- Food security
- Student Resilience
Selected Publications
Quance, M. (2016). Nursing Students' Perceptions of Anecdotal Notes as Formative Feedback. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (Vol. 13(1)). Germany: De Gruyter. doi: DOI:
Selected Presentations
Quance, M. & Ross, S. (2019). A Quantitative Description of Labour and Delivery Nurses’ Work. The BORN 2019 conference: Improving Care through World-Class Data and Innovation. Ottawa, Ontario.
Quance, M. (2018). Quantitative Description of Labour and Delivery Nurses’ Work. Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta.
Quance, M. (2018). Development and Testing of a Tool to Measure Perinatal Nurses’ Work. (Poster). Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health Nurses, October, Ottawa, Ontario.
Carter-Snell, C., Quance, M., Bouma, J., Olfert, M., Nordstrom, P., Price, P. (2018). Assessing Nursing Students’ Preparedness for NCLEX Exams. Western and Northern Region of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing annual conference. Calgary, Alberta.
Warthe, G. and Quance, M. (2017). It's More Than Academic: Department Mergers. Chair's Academy, Orlando, Florida.