Academic Title: Associate Professor
Office number: 403 440-6886
Email: ppryma@mtroyal.ca
PhD, University of Alberta
MEd, University of Alberta
BScN, University of Saskatchewan
Post-Master's Art Therapy Diploma, St Stephen's College
Everyone has a story to tell, and through her many years of experience as a registered nurse, Dr. Pryma has learned the importance of people sharing their stories in creative ways. Her PhD dissertation utilized a photo-voice method to enhance the stories of strength from women who have experienced domestic violence. Pattie is also an Art Therapist with a Post Master’s Diploma in Art Therapy from St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton, Alberta. This has led her to expand her research into the benefits of Art journaling and using creative arts as a form of Self-Care with faculty and students at Mt Royal University where she is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. Her published work with faculty can be found in Pryma, P.A. (2022) Seeing Past the Mask: Rejuvenating Academia through Art Based Self-Care. In Lemon, N. (Ed.), Healthy Relationships in Higher Education: Promoting Wellbeing Across Academia. (Ch 9). Routledge.
Areas of Scholarship
- Mental Health
- Self Care
- Art Therapy
- Creative modalities for Self Care
Selected Publications
Pryma, P.A. (2022) Seeing Past the Mask: Rejuvenating Academia through Art Based Self-Care. In Lemon, N. (Ed.), Healthy Relationships in Higher Education: Promoting Wellbeing Across Academia. (Ch 9).
Pryma, P. (2016). Realizing Partnership: Working Together to Empower Midwifery Education through an International and Collaborative Training Program in Ethiopia. Ethiopia Public Health Association 27th Annual Scientific Conference and General Assembly Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Pryma, P.A., Hegadoren, K., Lasiuk, G. (2015). Women's Stories of Strength and Hope: advocating for women who have experienced intimate partner violence. 6th World Congress on Women's Mental Health, Tokyo, Japan
Pryma, P.A. (2014). Working with Women to Uncover their Strengths Following Interpersonal Violence. reIgnite Addiction and Mental Health Nursing Conference, Edmonton, A.B.
Pryma, P.A. (2013). Women Framing their Journey from Interpersonal Violence to Positive Change. Nursing Network on Violence Against Women 2013, Vancouver, B.C.
Selected Presentions
Pryma, P.A., Breigel, M. Art Based Interventions to Reduce Anxiety Levels Amongst College Students. MRFA Spring Retreat 2022.
Pryma, P. (2016). Realizing Partnership: Working Together to Empower Midwifery Education through an International and Collaborative Training Program in Ethiopia. Ethiopia Public Health Association 27th Annual Scientific Conference and General Assembly Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (Role: Invited Speaker)
Pryma, P.A., Hegadoren, K., Lasiuk, G. (2015). Women's Stories of Strength and Hope: advocating for women who have experienced intimate partner violence. 6th World Congress on Women's Mental Health, Tokyo, Jaapan. (Role: Presenter)
Pryma, P.A. (2014). Listening to Women's Voices of Strength. The Patient Voice -Mt Royal University Signature Event, Mt Royal University, Calgary, AB. (Role: Presenter)
Pryma, P.A. (2013). Women Framing their Journey from Interpersonal Violence to Positive Change. Nursing Network on Violence Against Women 2013, Vancouver, B.C. (Role: Presenter)
Relevant Community Service
- Art Therapy for Youth Experiencing Loss
- Grief Counselling with Solace Grief Support Society
- Youth Leader at High River United Church
- Connect and Create -Art Therapy for Seniors in High River