Tammy Sherrow, MN, RN

Academic Title: Associate Professor
Administrative Title: BN Coordinator
email: tsherrow@mtroyal.ca
MN, University of Calgary
BScN, University of Saskatchewan
During her 30 plus years as a nurse, Tammy has focused on the pediatric/premature population, both in acute and the community, as a clinical nurse specialist, educator, manager, and researcher.
Tammy has published articles on the topics of parenting a preemie and gastroesophageal reflux management and has been a co-investigator in neonatal research projects on oral feeding and post-discharge outcomes. In 2019, alongside co-author Karen Lasby, she published a book “Preemie Care: A Guide to Navigating the First Year with Your Premature Infant. The book has received praise from the local, national and international neonatal community as well as parents globally.
Tammy has over 20 years teaching in both College and University settings and is passionate about active learning, creativity in teaching and learning and the flipped classroom. She has conducted SoTL research and published on the flipped classroom and presented on this topic locally, nationally and internationally.
Area of Instruction:
Child Health
Health Research
Community and Population Health
Area of Scholarship:
Premature Infants Oral feeding
Premature Infants Post Discharge Outcomes
Flipped Classroom and Active Learning
Selected Publication:
Sherrow, T., Lasby, K. (2019). Preemie Care: A Guide to Navigating the First Year with Your Premature Baby (1st ed.). Calgary, Alberta: Preemie Care Press.
Sherrow, T., Corbett, R., Lang, B. (2015). The Flipped Class: Experience in a Business Communication Course. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 79, 209-216. doi.org/10.1177%2F2329490615614840
Sherrow, T., Dressler-Mund, D., Kowel, K., Dai, S., Wilson, M., Lasby, K. (2014). Managing gastro-esophageal reflux symptoms in the very-low-birth-weight infant post discharge. Advances in Neonatal Care, 14(6), 381 – 391.
Selected Presentation:
Sherrow, T. (2021). The Flipped Classroom: Alternate Delivery for Increased Student Learning, Engagement and Connection. Teaching in practice-Based Professions Conference.Virtual.
Sherrow, T., Lasby, K. (2021). Rough Seas Ahead: The Reality of Feeding Preemies Post NICU. Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses National Conference.Virtual.
Lasby, K., Sherrow, T., McNeil, D., Fenton, T., Jackson, J. (2019). Short-term Outcomes for Very-Low-Birthweight Infants: A Retrospective Study. Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Auckland New Zealand.
Sherrow, T., Lasby, K. (2019). Rough Seas Ahead: The Reality of Feeding Preemies Post NICU. Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Auckland New Zealand.
Sherrow, T. (2016). Exploring the Student Experience of Learning in a Flipped Classroom. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.