Dr. Sandra Goldsworthy PhD, MSc, RN, CNCC(C), CMSN(C), CCSNE
Administrative Title: Chair, School of Nursing & Midwifery
PhD, University of British Columbia
MSC, Queen's University
Honours BScN, Lakehead University
Contact Information:
Office: Y431
email: sgoldsworthy@mtroyal.ca
phone number: 403.440.8844
Dr. Sandra Goldsworthy is a nurse leader who is internationally recognized as a simulation and critical care expert, researcher and author. She is the recipient of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation in Learning (INACSL) Excellence in Research Award and the Canadian Nurses’ Association Order of Merit in Education. Sandra has over 70 peer reviewed publications, including 12 books, and frequently presents her research nationally and internationally. Dr. Goldsworthy held a Research Professorship in Simulation from 2015-2019 at the University of Calgary. Dr. Goldsworthy was previously an inaugural Teaching Scholar at the University of Calgary and a Teaching Chair of Online and Virtual Learning at Nipissing University. Sandra holds three national certifications in Simulation, Critical Care and Medical Surgical Nursing.Her research program focuses on the impact of simulation in building competence in recognition and response to the deteriorating patient, reducing medication errors and improving health team communication through interprofessional education.
Areas of Instruction:
- Simulation
- Acute Medical Surgical Nursing
- Critical Care
Areas of Scholarship:
- Simulation
- Critical Care
Selected Publications:
- Goldsworthy, S., Baron, S., Muir, N., Button, D., Fasken, L. (2022). International research collaborations: lessons learned and practical tips, Nursing Education Today, 119.
- Goldsworthy, S., Goodhand, K., Baron, S., Button, D., & Fasken, L. (2022). Co-debriefing Virtual Simulations: An International Perspective. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 63, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2021.10.007.
- Goldsworthy, S., Muir, N., Baron, S., Button, D., Goodhand, K., Hunter, S., McNeill, L., Perez, G., McParland, T., Fasken, L., Peachey, L. (2022). The impact of virtual simulation on the recognition and response to the rapidly deteriorating patient among undergraduate nursing students, Nurse Education Today,110, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
nedt.2021.105264. - Goldsworthy, S., Ferreira, C., Shajani, Z., Snell, D.,Perez, G. (2022). Combining Virtual and High-fidelity Simulation to Foster Confidence and Competency in Postpartum Assessment Complications among Undergraduate Nursing Students, Clinical Simulation in Nursing,66, 18-24, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
ecns.2022.02.001. - Witton, N., Goldsworthy, S., Phillips, LA. (2022). Moral distress does this impact on intent to stay among adult critical care nurses? Nurs Crit Care. ; 1- 7. doi:10.1111/nicc.12767
Selected Presentations:
- September 2023 (Manchester UK) How does virtual simulation impact on nursing students’ knowledge and self-efficacy for recognising and responding to deteriorating patients? A mixed methods study.
- February 21 2023 (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Scotland) Virtual Simulation: Implications for Nursing Education
- December 2022 (Keynote Simulation Canada Conference, Toronto, ON) New Frontiers: Important Conversations in Simulation Right Now
- World Critical Care Congress (virtual) Manila, Philipines Presentation 1: Preparing Future Critical Care Nurses May 2022 (Manila, Phillipines virtual) World Critical Care Congress Presentation 2: Advanced Cardiac Life Support: Case Studies
- May 2022 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Virtual Professional Development Conference Presentation: Debriefing (virtual)
Community Service:
- Director of Education, World Federation of Critical Care Nurses
- Co-Chair CASN Simulation Interest Group