Academic Title: Professor of Social Work
Administrative Title: Vice Dean - Faculty of Health, Community and Education
PhD University of Calgary, 2011
MSW University of Calgary, 1988
BSW University of Calgary, 1981
Phone: 403.440.6441
Email: gwarthe@mtroyal.ca
Dr. Gaye Watson Warthe, RSW, is the Vice Dean in the Faculty of Health, Community and Education at Mount Royal University (MRU) in Calgary. Gaye is the principle investigator on a dating violence prevention project, a multi-year dating violence incidence and prevalence study, and a study to explore men’s experiences of dating violence in post-secondary. In 2021, Gaye was awarded a Stars of Alberta Volunteer Award for Breaking Barriers: Fighting Gender Discrimination and in 2018, was recognized by the Alberta Government for her innovative contributions to family violence prevention. Gaye is the President of the board of Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters and a past board member with Discovery House, RESOLVE Alberta and SHIFT.
Areas of Instruction
- Dating, domestic and sexual violence
- Social work practice
- Community development
- Social work with groups
- Interprofessional Education
Areas of Scholarship
- Assessment and intervention
- Dating, domestic and sexual violence
- Prevention
- Social work education
- Disaster preparedness
Selected Publications
Carter-Snell, C., Warthe, D.G.W. (2023). “Stepping Up”: A decade of relationship violence prevention. Social Sciences, 12(9), 501; https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12090501
Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C., & Choate, P. (2023). Dating violence on a post secondary campus: Men’s experiences. [Manuscript submitted for publication with Sage].
Paoletti, P., Di Giuseppe, T., Lillo, C., Ben-Soussan, T., Bozkurt, A., Tabibnia, G., Kelmendi, K., Warthe, G., Leshem, R., Bigo, V., Ireri, A., Mwangi, C., Bhattacharya, N., Perasso, G. (2022). What can we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic? Resilience for the future and neuropsyopedagogical insights. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.993991.
Choate, P., Warthe, D.G.W. (2020). Intimate Partner Violence in the age of crisis and pandemic: Implications for courts. National Justice Institute Family Law Newsletter, Special Edition, 1-17.
Kostouros, P., & Warthe, D.G. (2020). Protocols and practices in emergency evacuation of women fleeing abuse. Greenwich Social Work Review, 1(1), 1-10.
Warthe, D. G. (2017). Dating, domestic and sexual violence policies and education for post-secondary institutions. Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse RESOLVE News, 19(2), 5.
Kostouros, P., Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C. (2016). Impacting a campus community when students step up. Communique,17(1), pp. 31 – 33.
Kostouros, P., Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C., Burnett, C. (2016). Stepping Up: A focus on facilitator development. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 53(2), pp. 218-229. doi:10.1080/19496591.2016.1143831
Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C., Tutty, L.M. (2013). Stepping Up: A peer-to-peer dating violence prevention project on a post-secondary campus. International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family Studies, 4(1), 100-118.
Selected Presentations
Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C. (2023). Gender-Based violence and disaster preparedness. Shockproofing Communities: A National Summit for the Gender-Based Violence Sector, Ottawa, ON.
Warthe, D.G, Carter-Snell, C., Choate, P. (2023). A qualitative study of men’s experiences of dating and domestic violence on a university campus. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Warthe, D.G, Oliver, B., Teame, D. (2023). The use of simulation learning in a first year social work class. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Relevant Community Service
- President of the Board, Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
- Member, Registration Committee, Alberta College of Social Workers
- Steering Committee Member, RESOLVE Alberta, 2006-2018
- Board Member, Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society, 2006-2016
- Advisory Committee, SHIFT - The Project to End Domestic Violence, 2020-2014