Academic title: Associate Professor
Office: T392
Email: mpauls@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.8481
BA, University of Manitoba
Diploma Criminology, Mount Royal College
Monica has been teaching at MRU for 15 years. Her teaching philosophy is grounded in the connection between theory with practice and she works to create a participatory learning environment, partnering with agencies and organizations in the field and providing opportunities for the practical application of knowledge. Monica has extensive experience in applied research, project development, evaluation, and policy analysis. Upon completing her Masters’s degree, she worked as a Research Coordinator at the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF) and as a Policy Analyst for the United Way of Calgary and Area. Prior to this, she worked for several years with at-risk youth in schools, community programs and residential facilities. Monica is currently enrolled in a doctoral program in Sociology at the University of Calgary.
Areas of instruction
- Introductory Research Methods
- Program Design
- Program Evaluation
- Systems and Social Policy
- Child and Youth Care Practice
Areas of scholarship
- Youth Activism
- Youth Justice
- Social Movements
- Community Development
Selected Publications
Pauls, M., Cole, R. & Dean, Y. (2019). For all the right reasons: Exploring social responsibility through field school participation. International Council on Social Welfare, Global Cooperation Newsletter.
Pauls, M., Warthe, D. G. & Winterdyk, J. (2016). Preventing domestic violence: An international overview. In J. Winterdyk (Ed.), Crime Prevention: International Perspectives, Issues and Trends (pp. 115-146). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Pauls, M. & Smey Carston, C. (2016). The matter of care. Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, 29(3), 82-90.
Pauls, M. & Winterdyk, J. (2015). Family violence and abuse within a Canadian context. In P. O'Reilly & T. Fleming (Eds.), Violence in Canada. Canada: de Sitter Publications.
Hincks, C., Miller, A. & Pauls, M. (2013). The Grande Prairie PACT program evaluation: Discrepancy between model evaluation practice and constrained real world evaluation of crime prevention in small communities. The International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies, 4(1), 136-146.
Selected Presentations
(Virtual) Space for Change: Youth Social Movements and the Online Medium. (2019). Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Congress 2019. Vancouver, B.C.
For All the Right Reasons: Exploring Social Responsibility through Field School Participation. (2019). MRU Research and Scholarship Days. Calgary, AB.
A Saviour Among Us: The Spectacularization of Emma Gonzalez. (2018). 3rd International Conference on Communication and Media Studies. Berkeley, CA.
For All the Right Reasons: Exploring Social Responsibility through Field School Participation. (2018). Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018 World Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
Conversations About: Field Practicum in Child and Youth Care Education. (2018). 20th National Child and Youth Care Conference, Transitions and Transformations. Vancouver, B.C.
Relevant Community Service
- Board Member (Western Region Representative), Child and Youth Care Educational and Accreditation Board of Canada
- Research Committee Member, Child and Youth Care Educational Accreditation Board of Canada
- Member, Canadian Sociological Association
- Member, Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta