D. Gaye Watson Warthe

D. Gaye Watson Warthe
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Administrative Title: Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning - Faculty of Health, Community and Education
Areas of Instruction
Social work practice, groups, family practice, domestic violence, grief and loss, community practice, interviewing and counselling skills
PhD University of Calgary, 2011
MSW University of Calgary, 1988
BSW University of Calgary, 1981
Phone: 403.440.6441
Email: gwarthe@mtroyal.ca
Scholarly Interests
- Dating, domestic and sexual violence - prevention, policies and programs
- Incidence and prevalence of dating violence in a post-secondary population
- Scale development
- Social word education, simulation learning
- Universal education and screening for domestic violence in health care and community setting - asking is an intervention
- Professional community service interests
- Registration Committee Member, Alberta College of Social Workers
- Director, Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
- Past Director and Community Member, Discover House Family Violence Prevention Society
- Steering Committee Member, RESOLVE Alberta
- Research and scholarly projects
Research and Scholarly Projects
Kostouros, P., Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C. (2016). Impacting a campus community when students step up. Communique (Vol. 17(1) pp. 31-33). (In Print / Published)
Kostouros, P., Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C., Burnett, C. (2016). Stepping Up: A focus on facilitator development. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice (Vol. 53 (2) pp. 218-229). (In Print / Published). doi: 10.1080/19496591.2016.1143831
Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C., Tutty, L.M. (2013). Stepping Up: A peer-to-peer dating violence prevention project on a post-secondary campus. International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family Studies. (In Print / Published)
Warthe, D.G.W. (2011). The development of the Dating Relationship Scales for Young Adults (Ph.D. Dissertation). University of Calgary. Supervisor: Tutty, L.M.
Research Grants (Selected)
2017, January - 2017, May. Centre for Community Disaster Research. Fort McMurray Quick Response Grant Program. Emergency evacuation of women fleeing abuse. Investigators: Kostouros, P., Warthe, D.G. (Role: Co-applicant)
2017 - 2018. Alberta Government, Ministry of Human Services (Mount Royal University). Family Violence Prevention. Stepping Up: Dating, Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Project Investigators: Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C., Kostouros, P. (Role: Principal Investigator)
2017 - Present. Faculty of Health, Community and Education, Mount Royal University. Innovation Fund, Bright Ideas. Integrating Social Work theory into practice: Evolving simulation to evaluate social work practice competence in the 21st century. Investigators: Guthrie, B., Warthe, D.G., Choate, P. (Role: Collaborator)
2016 - 2017. Government of Alberta, Ministry of Human Services (Canada). Family Violence Prevention. Stepping Up: Dating, Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Project. Investigators: Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C. (Role: Principal Investigator)
2016 - 2017. Faculty of Health, Community and Education (Mount Royal University). Innovation Fund, Bright Ideas. Social Work Practicum: A Review of Best and Promising Practices. Investigators: Warthe, D.G., Oliver, B. (Role: Principal Investigator)
2015 - 2016. Alberta Government, Ministry of Human Services. Family Violence Prevention. Stepping Up: Reducing Dating Violence. Investigators: Warthe, D.G.W., Carter-Snell, C., Kostouros, P. (Role: Principal Investigator)
2014 - 2015. Alberta Government, Ministry of Human Services. Prevention of Bullying and Family Violence. Stepping Up: Reducing Dating Violence. Investigators: Warthe, D.G.W., Carter-Snell, C., Kostouros, P. (Role: Principal Investigator)
Presentations (Selected)
Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C. Kostouros, P, & Brownell, C. (2018). Policy, Prevention and Post-Secondary: One School's Experience in a Canadian Context. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 5, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G. & Kostouros, P. (2018). Emergency Evacuation Protocols for Women Fleeing Abuse. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 5, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C. Kostouros, P, & Brownell, C. (2017). Prevention of dating, Domestic and Sexual Violence on a Post-Secondary campus: One Step at a Time. Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative. London, Ontario. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G., Quance, M. (2017). It's more than academic: Department mergers. The Chair Academy's 26th Annual International Leadership Conference, Orlando, Florida. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G. (2017). Measuring relationship violence on a post-secondary campus: Implications for prevention. 2017 International Conference on Education, Maui, Hawaii. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C., Kostouros, P. (2017). Using a dating violence prevention project to educate students. 2017 International Conference on Education, Maui, Hawaii. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G. (2016). Dating, domestic and sexual violence: What's post-secondary got to do with it?. End the Cycle Summit, Student's Against Domestic Abuse Association, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. (Role: Invited Speaker)
Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C., Kostouros, P. (2016). Preventing violence in young adult relationships on a University campus. Canadian Association for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment in Higher Education, Calgary. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C. (2016). Using a dating violence prevention project to educate social work students. Canadian Association of Social Work Education 2016 Annual Conference, Calgary. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Carter-Snell, C., Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P. (2016). The role of policy in the prevention of relationship violence. Teaching Together: Much Ado About Something!, Calgary. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Kostouros, P., Warthe, D.G., Carter-Snell, C. (2016). Dating violence prevention through peer interaction. 2016 International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Las Vegas. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G., Kostouros, P., Carter-Snell, C. (2016). The role of policy in the prevention of relationship violence. 2016 International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Las Vegas. (Role: Author and Presenter)
Warthe, D.G.W. (2015). Perspectives on sexual violence and youth. Sexual Violence Knowledge Exchange, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Federal-Provincial-Territorial Status of Women Forum. (Role: Invited Speaker)
Book Chapters
Pauls, M., Warthe, D.G., Winterdyk, J. (2016). Preventing domestic violence: An international overview Crime Prevention: International Perspectives, Issues and Trends. (In Print / Published)
Warthe, D.G. (2003). Effective collaboration: A framework for understanding interagency alliances. In Clark, D. (ed.) Foundations of Children's Mental Health: A Canadian Perspective, (pp. 209-233). (In Print / Published)