Gain international work experience, intercultural communication skills, and experience another culture while you complete your work term (practicum, co-op, internship). This is a great option if you want to have an enriching international experience and set your work experience apart from that of your peers.
Working abroad shows resourcefulness, resilience, adaptability and flexibility. All of these skills are excellent to market yourself to potential employers and can set you apart from your peers who completed local work experience.
More accessible than you may think
Many international internships don't require a second language and there are variety of funding opportunities on and off-campus.

If your program requires you to complete a work term, you have the opportunity to complete it abroad. To do this, you will work with both your work experience coordinator and an International Education coordinator.
Learn more and apply
- Meet with your work experience coordinator, practicum coordinator, or co-op coordinator to determine if completing your work term abroad would fit within your program. If so, sign the Declaration of Intent form and submit it to your work experience coordinator.
- Research and find the international work experience opportunity that you would like to pursue and discuss it with your work experience coordinator.
- Apply for and secure your international position. Your work experience coordinator must approve the proposed placement.
Get ready
- Complete and submit the International Work Experience Registration Forms along with all supporting documentation and signatures required to International Education (EB3005).
- Continue preparing for your international work experience, including obtaining adequate travel health and medical insurance, all necessary travel documents, arranging your accommodation, booking your flights, etc.
- Attend the mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation session scheduled by International Education.
Go abroad
- Go abroad! Work, learn, explore, discover, connect, and travel.
- Be an excellent ambassador of Mount Royal University while you're abroad.
Welcome back
- Submit your Experience Report by the specified deadline.
- Attend the Re-Entry session scheduled by International Education.
- Extend your international experience by engaging with the international community at Mount Royal University.
International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) - IAESTE is an international association that organizes international internships primarily for students in STEM disciplines (science, engineering, architecture, and math), business, and other professional fields.
Intern Abroad HQ (IAHQ) - IAHQ empowers students to pursue their dream careers through impactful international work experiences.
International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) - IVHQ has facilitated transformative, life-enriching travel experiences that allow volunteers to support impactful initiatives around the world and make a difference in the local communities they serve.
Queen Elizabeth Scholars Program (QES) - The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships aim to mobilize a dynamic community of young global leaders to create lasting impacts both at home and abroad through inter-cultural exchanges encompassing international education, discovery and inquiry, and professional experiences.
e3 Program - Combine language learning, internship, and an academic course through this unique program offered in partnership with the University of Alberta.
AEISEC - International Association for Students in Economics and Commercial Sciences -Through professional internships and volunteer abroad programs, AIESEC provides students with challenging opportunities to live and work in a foreign country in areas of management, technology, education, and development. Contact your Mount Royal AIESEC chapter for more information.
International Experience Canada (IEC) -The Canadian Government has agreements with foreign countries and territories that make it easier for you to get work permits with our partners. Work abroad to help fund the trip of a lifetime. Gain new skills, learn new languages, experience different cultures and explore places that you never thought you could.
Backpacking with Purpose: Operation Groundswell International Service Learning volunteer opportunity
Working Holiday and International Co-op Internship: Ireland's Working Holiday agreement with Canada offers Irish and Canadian young people between the ages of 18 and 35 the exciting opportunity to experience living and working abroad.
Marine Institute International Youth Internship Program (YIP): Marine International is looking for young, global-minded grads for their International Youth Internship Program (IYIP). Apply now to intern in Cambodia, Malawi, the Philippines, or Vietnam!
Lingnan University Visiting English Tutor Positions: Lingnan University invites Mount Royal University graduates to apply as a Visiting English Tutor (VET). VETs work in the Centre for English as Additional Languages where they provide advice to undergraduate students and aid in the development of self-access materials. VETs also design and run workshops to develop students' writing, reading, speaking and listening skills in English.
Cultural Ambassadors: North American Language and Culture Assistants in Spain - The Spanish Ministry of Education sponsors openings for U.S. and Canadian Language and Culture Assistants in Spain for an academic year. Applications are typically accepted between January and April each year.
Although International Education at Mount Royal University reviews compiles and posts study/work/volunteer abroad opportunities submitted by other organizations, the programs presented through the website links above cannot be guaranteed as to accuracy, legitimacy or caliber. Those relying on the information presented on these sites do so at their own risk and Mount Royal University shall not be liable for either the content of the information or any actions taken based on the information.