Aydan Salman Dilgimen
Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) Biochemistry
Freie Universitat, Division of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Berlin, Germany
Master of Science (MSc) Chemistry
Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science, Istanbul, Turkey
Diploma (BSc) Chemistry
Istanbul Technical University Istanbul, Turkey
Office: B233-W9
E-Mail: asalmandilgimen@mtroyal.ca
Dr. Aydan Salman-Dilgimen has been teaching at Mount Royal University since 2016 in General Education and started to teach in The Department of Chemistry and Physics in 2020.
Prior to coming to MRU, Aydan completed her postdoctoral studies in the Bacterial Pathogenesis Group at the University of Calgary. In her research, she focused on answering questions related to pathogenesis of Lyme disease agent, Borrelia Burgdorferi. Aydan has worked on Lyme disease agents in her PhD years and contributed to a patent project in Germany.
Aydan has specialized in the molecular basis of bacterial pathogenesis, recombinant protein methods, and functional analysis of helicases, microbial proteomics, metabolic footprinting and borreliosis vaccine development.
Aydan enjoys teaching courses related to Biochemistry and Enzymes. Her teaching strategy is to help her students to retain their grasp of the “big picture” while experiencing new observations and technical approaches in biological sciences.