Ashok Krishnamurthy
Position: Associate Professor
Office: B102
Phone: 403-440-8477
E-mail: akrishnamurthy@mtroyal.ca
PhD (2009) University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
MSc (Mathematics) (2002) University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
MSc (Statistics) (2000) University of Madras, Chennai, TN, India
BSc (Statistics) (1998) University of Madras, Chennai, TN, India
Google Scholar: https://bit.ly/3cxlmyQ
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1517-070X
Statistical Software: R, MINITAB, and SPSS.
Instructor Profile
Ashok joined MRU in 2011. Prior to joining MRU, he did his postdoctoral research (2009-2011) under the supervision of Dr. Loren Cobb in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Colorado Denver, CO, USA. His area of research interest is in mathematical modeling of infectious diseases (measles, Ebola, COVID-19, etc.) and Bayesian data assimilation.
Current research interests / Current Work
At present, he is working on several projects including the application of mathematical models to track the spatial spread of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo and tracking COVID-19 in Nigeria, and the Czech Republic. Currently finishing up a project on the spatial tracking of measles in pre-vaccine England and Wales. Dr. Krishnamurthy has engaged and supervised undergraduate research assistants (RAs) in all aspects of the research endeavour and dissemination of the same at provincial and national conferences. He assiduously promotes the discipline of mathematics, statistics, data science, and computing among his RAs and creates high-impact learning opportunities.
2019 – 2020. Mount Royal University. Internal Research Grant Fund (IRGF). “Spatial tracking of the current Ebola outbreak in Congo”. (Role: Principal Investigator). Value: $5000
2015 – 2017. Mount Royal University, Faculty of Science and Technology. Seed Grant. “A probabilistic method for detecting redundant constraints in mathematical programming problems”. (Role: Principal Investigator). Value: $5000
2012 – 2013. Mount Royal University. Internal Research Grant Fund (IRGF). “Bayesian Tracking of Epidemic Infectious Diseases using Data Assimilation Methods”. (Role: Principal Investigator). Value: $5000
Awards and Distinctions
2020 Research Recognition Award (specifically in the Undergraduate Research Supervision Award category) Conferred by the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Community Engagement, MRU
Nominated for the 2020 Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA) Teaching Excellence Award
2018, November. Best Poster – 1 st Prize at the Health GIS: Spatial Thinking in Applied Research (STAR), a GIS Day Event, University of Calgary (Foothills Campus), Calgary, AB, Canada.
2017, May. Best Poster – 1 st Prize at the Calgary Applied and Industrial Mathematical Sciences Conference (CAIMSC), University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Courses TaughtMATH 1200: Calculus for Scientists I
MATH 1224: Introduction to Statistics
MATH 2233: Statistics for Biological Sciences
MATH 2234: Concepts of Mathematical Statistics
MATH 2235: Statistics with Applications in Geology
MATH 2333: Statistics for Life Sciences
MATH 2444: Statistical Data Analysis
ENVS 1105: Data Processing and Statistics