Khosro Salmani


Khosro Salmani

Position: Assistant Professor

Office: B113F
Phone: 403-440-6492

Ph.D. (2020) University of Calgary

MSc (2011) Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)




Khosro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computing at Mount Royal University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Calgary in 2020 and his MSc from the Iran University of Science and Technology in 2011. Before starting his Ph.D. in 2016, he was a university lecturer for more than five years. Since 2011, Khosro has taught several courses in computer science and computer engineering, including basic and advanced programming languages, databases, data structures and algorithms, operating systems, computer security, and data privacy.
His current research interests involve several areas in data privacy, including preserving the privacy of the outsourced personal data in cloud servers, big data privacy, data privacy and security in the Internet of Things (IoT), data privacy in health care systems, and useable privacy. Hence, his expertise involves designing and implementing tools and technologies that enhance data privacy and security. He also examines the impact of human factors on privacy and security and introduces new techniques to improve it.