What do I do if I was involved in or witnessed an INCIDENT or EMERGENCY?

Step 1: Notification of the Incident or Emergency

Notify people in the immediate area of the situation so they can evacuate, avoid the area or assist, as appropriate.

  • Life-threatening incidents: 
    - Call 9-1-1
    - Call Security Services at 403.440.5900 or by using one of the emergency phones on campus.

  • Non-life threatening incidents, but you need assistance (e.g. first aid, security concern, chemical spill): 
    - Call Security Services at 403.440.5900.

Step 2: Report the Safety Incident

  • Report the incident to your direct Supervisor immediately.
  • Submit all safety incidents (injuries, property damage, hazardous environmental spill, or close calls) to the Injury / Incident Report Form.

Step 3: Investigate the Safety Incident

  • EH&S will work with you and your Supervisor to investigate the incident to determine why and how it happened, and to determine controls to prevent that type of incident from happening again.