Campus chemistry gave MRU’s Emily Trew the space to succeed

Emily Trew


Meet Emily. Driven. Meticulous. Leader.
Hometown: Langdon, Alberta
Program: Bachelor of Science | Major: General science


Emily Trew was first drawn to Mount Royal University’s science programs because of their smaller class sizes, however, its intimate community would end up impacting her more than she could have predicted.

Her fastidious nature and academic prowess landed Trew on the Dean’s and President’s Honour Rolls and earned her recognition for scoring in the top 15% of the faculty for grades, but she says it was the chemistry of MRU’s campus that boosted her ability to become the learner she is today.

“I was not aware of how much of a community MRU really was until being here for quite some time,” she reflects.

“But this sense of belonging and not having to be alone in this journey is not something I could have felt with just being told that. It was definitely something I experienced and embraced over the years.”

The community she came to cherish at MRU wouldn’t have been nearly as life-changing without the school’s transformational staff.

“The professors at MRU are some of the most supportive and caring people in academia that I have ever met,” Trew says, adding that two of her educators particularly stood out.

“Dr. Trevor Day, PhD, was so supportive and encouraging to me and went above and beyond in his teaching to help me enjoy his classes after I told him I did not love physiology as much as he did. He always made me feel like I belonged and was capable of being the best version of myself.”

Another educator who left an unerasable mark is assistant professor of chemistry, Dr. Dylan Webb, PhD.

“He saw something in me that I did not see myself. When I felt like I was in the wrong major, Dr. Webb was supportive and gave me advice on how important it was that I felt like I belonged and was in the right place for me over what the title of the major was.”

Webb invited Trew to work in his lab that following semester, which would end up being one of her favourite MRU experiences. She says she has grown professionally and personally thanks to her time there — something she will be “forever grateful” for.

“Dr. Webb allowed me the opportunity to go from a student with little to no confidence in herself to one who believes in herself, is confident in her skills and feels that she can really do anything she sets her mind to. Outside of the lab, Dr. Webb has helped support me as a woman in science and has given me the mentorship needed to be the person I want to be in the world.”

"This University has allowed me to be the best version of myself and I am so proud to be a soon-to-be MRU alumni."
Emily Trew

Trew received the Faculty of Science and Technology Student Research Award in 2023, something she is extremely proud of.

“It was not something I ever imagined being able to acquire when I first came to MRU. This award allowed me to continue to work with Dr. Webb and grow as a chemist.”

Webb says Emily continually performs well above the level of her peers and is “without a doubt, the best student I have taught at any institution.

“Not only does she excel in her studies, providing consistent high-quality work, but she is by far the most competent and hard-working student I have ever met,” he says.

Trew says the glowing compliments from her professor are a testament to how much faculty members really care about their students at MRU. She also mentions programs offered through the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU) as being part of the supportive culture she found.

“The care cupboards, free breakfasts, Stress-Less Leek, and so many more programs through SAMRU give MRU the sense of community that I love so much.”

In addition to her educational pursuits, Trew has strived to give back to the institution that helped her thrive and was recognized for her work as a tutor with the Peer Learning Program and as a team lead peer facilitator with Stepping Up, part of Mount Royal’s Relationship Violence Prevention and Research Centre.

Emily is also a leader for New Student Orientation, energetically showing students around campus and encouraging engagement with the community.

“Being involved on campus has given me a chance to try to show others what I see in MRU. Being in these groups has allowed me to grow while encouraging others to do so, too.”

The incredibly well-rounded graduate walks away with a Bachelor of Science and plans to obtain a Master of Science in chemistry.

“After that, I plan to allow myself to find what makes me passionate and to follow it.”