Brave Conversations in SoTL
Brave Conversations in SoTL is a collaborative speakers’ series that brings together an international slate of scholars to discuss ideas around critical approaches to themes of epistemic justice, students as knowers, and threshold experiences in higher education. The series is in collaboration with the University of Calgary's Taylor Institution.
Season 2
Session 2(1): SoTL as a learning system for navigation in dynamic times
Presentation by Dr. Joshua Hill, Mount Royal University, Canada
Length: 56 mins
Season 1
Session 1(3a): But they don’t know what they don’t know
Presentation by Dr. Julie Rattray, Durham University, Durham, UK
Length: 34 mins
Session 1(3b): Uncomfortable Feelings: Embracing Circles and Being an Amateur in Partnership.
Presentation by Sophia Abbot, George Mason University, Virginia, USA
Length: 49 mins (starts at 34:50)
Session 1(2a): Pursuit of socially-just Pedagogy: a possibility in Partnership?
Presentation by Dr. David Hornsby, Carleton University, Canada
Length: 37 mins
Session 1(2b): Bravery in the face of adversity? Critical reflections of liberatory-based partnership
Presentation by Maisha Islam, Southampton's Doctoral College, UK
Length: 33 mins (starts at 37:19)
Session 1(1): Delivering Disruption: Positioning student-faculty partnerships as a political act in the academy
Presentation by Dr. Cherie Woolmer, Mount Royal University, Canada
Length: 83 mins