A guide to switching your program at MRU

Use this step-by-step guide to help you to get registered even before you're able to speak with an advisor. When you check in with your advisor they will be able to see the courses you've chosen and suggest changes as necessary. We can make changes all the way into September, but the longer you wait to register the more difficult it will become to find courses. Get started today!


Step 1 - Prepare

You will need approximately 2 hours to completely work through this webpage and register in classes.  Registration is not usually covered in an advising appointment. Advisors strongly recommend registering in classes before an appointment.  If there are changes to be made, they will be discussed.

Our registration video tutorials are a great resource and will help you navigate our registration system. This will add time to your preparation and planning process. 

Step 2 - Review your Advising Guide
 and information on General Education (GEN ED) 

  • Open Studies Online Advising Guide: This page will teach you how MRU evaluates you when you apply to switch programs. This is the most important information for you to learn.
  • Pay close attention to the different applicant categories: Post-Secondary, High School/Mature. You will need to decide/recognize which applicant category best fits your situation.
    • Post-secondary applicants will need to complete four credit-level courses in the Fall semester, and four courses in the Winter semester.
    • High school/mature applicants must not have completed more than seven credit-level courses in the Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters combined, or prior.
  • General Education: In addition to upgrading, most Open Studies students start by taking Tier 2 GNED courses.


Step 3 - Plan your upgrading

If you have decided to plan your year and qualify as a high school/mature applicant you will put your strongest upgrading courses in the fall semester. Choose up to 2 upgrading courses for the fall semester to create the strongest competitive average possible.

Mount Royal University upgrading courses and corresponding Alberta high school courses

  • BIOL 0130 (Biology 30)
  • CHEM 0130 (Chemistry 30)
  • ENGL 0130 (English Language Arts 30-1)
  • MATH 0130 (Mathematics 30-1)
  • MATH 0132 (Mathematics 30-2)
  • MATH 0131 (Mathematics 31)
  • NTST 0130 (Aboriginal Studies 30)  available upon Departmental Permission - late August for Fall, late December for Winter 
  • PHYS 0130 (Physics 30)
  • SCIE 0130 (Science 30)
  • SOSC 0130 (Social Studies 30-1)

Here is the full list of MRU upgrading courses.

Regardless of your applicant category, you may also need to complete upgrading courses to meet minimum requirements; these can be found on each program's webpage under Admission Requirements and Costs. Advisors usually suggest these for the winter semester and can help you to determine these if you are unsure.


Step 4 - Plan your credit/university-level courses

  • Tier 2 general education courses are suitable for Open Studies students and for students intending on switching programs. It does not matter if the course(s) you choose are directly related to your intended program. 
  • Use MRUgradU8 to see if your courses count as credits in your desired Degree/Program. (Watch for the WHAT IF AUDIT specifically)
  • We also strongly suggest students take one of UGST 1001 or UGST 1002 at some point during their academic year.
  • You will need three credit-level courses per semester in order to be considered a full-time student. Full-time status is needed to access loans, RESP funding, awards, health benefits, residence, and other services.
  • High school applicants: Pick up to three courses to take alongside your upgrading in the fall for a maximum of 5 classes in the fall semester.
  • Post-secondary applicants: Choose 4 tier 2 general education courses you think you can do very, very well in to create the highest competitive average possible.
  • Register NOW for an additional four courses for the winter semester.


Step 5 -  Register in your Fall and Winter courses, and Orientation

You now have all of the information you need to register in classes. The time needed to register is highly variable depending on the fill rates of classes. Plan on giving yourself at least an hour to register. Here is our video tutorials page where you can find information on how to register, how to use MRUgradU8, and more!

  • Registration is not set in stone until the add/drop deadline in September/January. 
  • Similar to an online shopping cart, we are asking you to fill your Fall and Winter cart now, so we can see if that will be your final set of classes in September/January.
  • We want you to hold onto the best schedule you think you'll want, as soon as you have access to registration, and then connect with us.
  • We recommend setting up your full year of Fall and Winter courses, knowing your Advisor will offer feedback regarding your Admission Category and Course Registration and adjustments can be made as necessary.
  • We highly recommend registering for New Student Orientation as soon as possible..

Your Academic Year at a Glance

The information below provides possible pathways for students to plan their year in Open Studies. No matter which applicant category you may fall into, we recommend that you investigate Undergraduate Studies courses (UGST 1001, UGST 1002) as possible course options for this year.


High School & Mature Applicant Admission Plan

Fall semester

  • Upgrade two strongest Group A subjects to create a strong competitive average.
  • May add credit-level courses (would need 9 credits or 3, 3-credit courses to be full-time)

Winter & Spring semesters

  • Complete outstanding high school admission requirements
  • Continue completing additional credit-level courses as desired (would need 9 credits or 3, 3-credit courses to be full-time)


Post-Secondary Applicant Admission Plan

Fall semester

  • Complete four credit-level courses, focussing on courses in your strongest subject areas.

Winter & Spring semesters

  • Complete an additional four credit-level courses
  • Complete any outstanding admission requirements


Step 6 - Connect with an Advisor

An advisor is happy to confirm your registration and admission plan with you by email or in an appointment. You should be registered in your courses before your appointment. Even if you are not quite sure if you are choosing the right courses, your advisor can check your registration and make sure that you are on the right track. Changes can be made so please register.

You can contact the Central Advising team by calling 403.440.6222 or through email at advising@mtroyal.ca