Just For Parents

Parent Orientation Banner


Just for Parents

Your student is about to embark on an exciting academic journey. Adjusting to university life can be challenging and your support is incredibly valuable throughout this transition. Explore the supports available to you below.

New Student Registration Session Slide Deck:

New Student Registration is happening April 4th! Students will be receiving information to their emails so inform them to keep eyes on their inboxes for more details.

Monthly Parent Guide:

The student-life cycle includes a number of different experiences and challenges. Learn more about how you can support your student.

Financial Aid:

As the parent or family member of a student attending Mount Royal, we know that you are sometimes just as worried about finances as they are - sometimes more! Use these resources to understand some of the options available to your student.

You can also visit our Current Students page to find the many services available.

Lastly, don't forget that Mount Royal is for you too! You are part of our community as a parent and supporter for your student and there are lots of great ways for you to explore our campus.