Readmission Appointment

Readmission Appointment

These are appointments for students who meet all the following criteria:

  • Have been required to withdraw from MRU or another post-secondary institution previously
  • Have waited 12 months since being required to withdraw (note: students do not need to wait 12 months to re-apply, but they must wait 12 months before (re)attending MRU)
  • Have applied to MRU and have received and accepted an offer into a program
  • Have a hold applied on their account and are unable to register in courses

The intent of this readmission appointment is to support you in your transition back to post-secondary. During your appointment, your Specialist will chat with you about the challenges that you previously faced in post-secondary and make sure that you are aware of the relevant supports at Mount Royal to ensure your success. 


Readmission Process

  1. As part of your readmission process, you are required to write and submit a “letter of intent” before attending your readmission appointment. Your letter of intent should be 1-2 pages in length. A letter of intent would include points such as:
    1. Why you were required to withdraw in the past
    2. The self-development you went through while you took time away from your studies and specific reason(s) why you feel ready to return
    3. Specific examples of strategies you plan implement to make this university experience successful
  2. When you have finished writing your letter of intent, please send it to back for review. An appointment might be required afterwards

We look forward to connecting and supporting you through your university experience!